Our World in 2018

Leading minds reflect on the state of our societies, and examine the challenges that lie ahead. An edition dedicated to generating ideas that will help form a new vision for our world.

Leading minds reflect on the state of our societies, and examine the challenges that lie ahead. An edition dedicated to generating ideas that will help form a new vision for our world.


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The Internet of Things

– Delivering a Connected World

By Karim Lesina

Consumers today expect to be

connected from nearly anywhere, to

just about anything. We’re moving

to a world that will require instantaneous

and ubiquitous connectivity. For AT&T,

that means investing to be the premier

integrated communications company in the

world. Around the globe, we’re making cars,

homes, machines, shipping containers, and

more, smarter.

Our industry has experienced a dramatic

shift over the past 10 years. The pace of

change and innovation has been incredible.

And the pace of new players entering the

market has been just as staggering. AT&T

is not only no longer defined as a voice


an edge provider, or an equipment maker;

but as an integrated communications

provider, we’re all of these and more.

The new reality is this: We are all in the

communications business. Now, legacy

voice companies provide video; legacy video

companies provide voice; and companies

that didn’t exist a few short years ago

provide both, and more. Innovation and

competition is all around us. And that’s great

for consumers, and great for the industry.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of

these key innovative and hyper-competitive

frontiers. IoT is transforming how we live,

and it’s enabling new businesses ventures

and new methods of service delivery—

driving innovation in established industries

such as automotive and package delivery.

With data derived from devices, the

IoT is helping enable better allocation

of resources, improved awareness, and

enhanced services including:

• asset tracking for businesses;

• environmental and livestock monitoring



Karim Lesina is

Vice President of

AT&T, covering



the European Union,

Caribbean, Central

and Latin America

Regions and in

charge of Trans-

Atlantic Relations.

for farming operations;

• smarter cities and communities

with monitoring of public infrastructure

resources – roads & transit, parking, utilities;

• healthcare monitoring and service


• wearables, activity monitors for

individuals; and

• improved safety and convenience of

connected cars.

Rapid change brings challenges

as well as benefits

Policy challenges. The issues engendered

by the IoT are as diverse and complex

as the ecosystem itself, presenting both

challenges unique to a particular industry

(e.g., automotive safety), and challenges

that apply across the board. Adapting policy

frameworks to the cross-jurisdictional and

cross-sectoral nature of IoT technologies

and solutions can have positive effects,


• Ensuring a coherent approach to the

IoT across various government agencies


• Ensuring a consistent and open

approach across countries to enable

global IoT solutions. First, with numbering


support continued permanent machine-tomachine

(M2M) roaming, without mandated

because International permanent roaming is

particularly suited to the global deployment

of M2M or Internet of Things (IoT) solutions.

This approach is also critical to areas such

as regulatory approaches and data privacy

requirements. Privacy and security span

all sectors. We all have a shared interest in

promoting consumer trust in IoT.

74 2018 | OUR WORLD

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