Our World in 2018

Leading minds reflect on the state of our societies, and examine the challenges that lie ahead. An edition dedicated to generating ideas that will help form a new vision for our world.

Leading minds reflect on the state of our societies, and examine the challenges that lie ahead. An edition dedicated to generating ideas that will help form a new vision for our world.


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US President Donald J. Trump (R) and Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel (L) hold a joint press conference in the East

Room of the White House in Washington, DC, USA, 17 March 2017.


The Future of Transatlantic Relations

By David McAllister

One year into Donald Trump’s

presidency, the question

of how US foreign policy

will further develop remains

unanswered. His “America First”

slogan, his comments on US alliance

commitments, his suspicion of free

trade, the withdrawal from the

Paris Climate Agreement or the

constant rhetorical questioning of the

commonly negotiated Iran Nuclear

Deal have caused some tension in

the transatlantic relationship.

Nevertheless, the transatlantic

partners continue to share vital

interests and face common threats.

These threats, whether they are

security-related, economic or other,

are so numerous and diverse that

neither the United States nor the

European Union can adequately

address them alone. Thus, we have

to continue building upon the strong

foundation of our common values

to strengthen our relationship in


The EU and the US are each other’s

most important partners. A strong

transatlantic bond is crucial for us

and for the world.

Economic growth

The European Union and the United

States enjoy the most integrated

economic relationship in the world.

Total US investment in the EU is three

times higher than in all of Asia. EU

investment in the US is eight times

24 2018 | OUR WORLD

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