Our World in 2018

Leading minds reflect on the state of our societies, and examine the challenges that lie ahead. An edition dedicated to generating ideas that will help form a new vision for our world.

Leading minds reflect on the state of our societies, and examine the challenges that lie ahead. An edition dedicated to generating ideas that will help form a new vision for our world.


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Revolutionary Centrism

By Tony Blair

The center ground of Western politics is known

as the field of pragmatism, quiet reason, and

evolution, where political actors eschew extremes

and seek compromise. Because political centrists are

distrustful of loud-mouthed and divisive rhetoric, they

have taken a somewhat de haut en bas view of the way

the political world functions.

Now they are being overwhelmed. Populism of the

right and the left is rampant. The old rules no longer apply.


a few years back are now a passport to voters’ hearts.

Policy positions previously regarded as mainstream are

sneered at, and those regarded as outlandish are very

much inland today. And political alliances that have

endured for a century or more are breaking apart, owing

to profound social, economic, and cultural changes.

The right is fissuring. The prevailing sentiment is

nationalist, anti-immigration, and often protectionist,

giving rise to a new alliance. In the United Kingdom,

traditional Labour supporters in old industrial

communities and wealthy de-regulators and business

owners have united in their dislike of the way the world

is changing and “political correctness.” Whether this

coalition – and similar formations in other countries – can

survive its inherent economic contradictions is unclear,

though I would not underestimate the cohesive power

of a shared sense of cultural alienation.

But, as can be seen in the fighting within the

Republican Party in the United States, the Conservative


the right still sees itself as championing free trade, open

markets, and immigration as a positive force.

The left is also dividing. One part is moving to a much

more traditional statist position on economic policy, and

to a form of identity politics that is much more radical

on cultural norms. The other part clings to an attempt

to provide a unifying national narrative around concepts

of social justice and economic progress.

Of course, what used to be called the mainstream

of both the left and the right could take back control of

their political parties. For now, however, the extremes

are in charge, leaving many – socially liberal and in favor

110 2018 | OUR WORLD

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