Our World in 2018

Leading minds reflect on the state of our societies, and examine the challenges that lie ahead. An edition dedicated to generating ideas that will help form a new vision for our world.

Leading minds reflect on the state of our societies, and examine the challenges that lie ahead. An edition dedicated to generating ideas that will help form a new vision for our world.


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Is this the end

of the era of


By Dr Rick Phillips

It is commonly said that those who do not

learn from history are doomed to repeat

it. In 1633, Galileo was tried and convicted

for his support of the theory that the Earth

revolves around the Sun. This theory, which

Galileo came to support as a result of his

the planets and moons in our solar system,

contradicted the doctrine of the day, which

said that humanity, and by extension the

Earth, stood at the centre of the universe.

After being found guilty, Galileo was placed

under house arrest until his death in 1642.

Thankfully, our attitudes towards science

and scientists are a little bit more enlightened

in 2018. Just as we stopped burning witches,

sacrificing animals and killing heretics, so

too did we stop persecuting scientists for

reporting facts about the natural world.

Indeed, most people nowadays believe

science is a force for good, which makes

many aspects of our lives easier and more

pleasant. However, we would be wise to learn

the lessons from how science was misused

in the past, lest we inadvertently end up

repeating them.

Policymakers in particular should be

careful to heed these lessons. Too often,

scientific evidence is ignored or distorted

by politicians for electoral purposes, and

a lack of transparency allows lawmakers

a politically favoured result. In the EU, this

problem is epitomised by the Comitology

process. Comitology is the mechanism for

passing secondary EU legislation, an outdated

and opaque procedure that has been badly

Dr Rick


Dr Rick Phillips is the

president and CEO

of Anitox, a global

leader in the control

of pathogens. He is a

poultry veterinarian.

year, and, if left unchecked, will seriously

undermine the status of science in the EU

for years to come.

A perfect example of this dysfunctional

system in action was in the Commission’s

recent handling of the authorisation of

formaldehyde in animal feed. People may

balk at “formaldehyde” as a scary chemical,

but in fact it is a highly useful substance,

especially for treating the dangerous

Salmonella bacteria. Often in science we

deal with substances and chemicals which

can be dangerous, but we all know how

useful substances such as bleach and petrol

can be safe as long as they’re used correctly.

Formaldehyde is naturally present in both

animal and plant cells. The science around

formaldehyde is likewise unambiguous: it is

the best treatment for Salmonella in animal

feed, and when used correctly poses no risk

to workers or consumers.

You shouldn’t just take my word for it: take a


The Commission’s food safety authority,

EFSA, found that the use of formaldehyde

in feed poses no risk to consumers. The

Commission’s body responsible for workers’

safety in handling chemicals, SCOEL, set

safe exposure levels for workers using

formaldehyde. These limits have been

incorporated into the Commission’s draft

revision of the Carcinogens and Mutagens

at work Directive, the canonical piece of

legislation protecting workers from exposure

to carcinogens or mutagens in the workplace

in the EU.

Equipped with this scientific evidence,

the Commission backed a full 10 year

authorisation when formaldehyde’s

authorisation came up for renewal in 2014.

However, in the face of opposition from a

small number of member states who did not

use the product, and who wanted it removed

for partisan reasons, the Commission was

favour of the proposal.

Discussions on the proposal lasted almost

three years with no resolution. During

this time Poland denied authorisation of

88 2018 | OUR WORLD

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