Our World in 2018

Leading minds reflect on the state of our societies, and examine the challenges that lie ahead. An edition dedicated to generating ideas that will help form a new vision for our world.

Leading minds reflect on the state of our societies, and examine the challenges that lie ahead. An edition dedicated to generating ideas that will help form a new vision for our world.


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government has yet to direct its

political capital toward becoming a

member of APEC, let alone advance

a trade-liberalization agenda of its

own. This needs to change, but the

forces of mercantilism are alive and

well in Delhi. The net result of these

developments, with the US having

eschewed both the TPP and RCEP,

has been a further diminution of


region. In fact, the US is increasingly

emerging as an incomplete

superpower. It remains a formidable

military actor, with unique power

projection capabilities that extend

far beyond its aircraft carrier

battle groups to include an array

of other capabilities that are as yet

unmatched by other countries in the


to the region’s future – in terms of

employment, trade, and investment

growth, as well as sustainable

development – is declining fast.

Some in Washington, DC, seem

to think that the US can sustain this

pattern for decades to come. But

many of us are skeptical. Unless and

until the US chooses comprehensive

economic re-engagement with the

future of Asia, the world’s most

economically dynamic region, will

continue to fade.

Precisely how other regional

powers – China, Japan, India, and

South Korea (Asia’s four leading

economies) – will respond to this

decline remains to be seen. But

the truth confronting those who

observe the region closely is that

Southeast Asia has already begun

to move meaningfully toward China’s

strategic orbit.

Ultimately, the policies of an

administration committed to putting

America first are likely, in Asia at

least, to result in America being put



You don’t have to be a

Marxist to understand

that economics has a

profound and probably

even decisive impact on

politics, both national

and international.

And, indeed, the

geopolitical and geoeconomic


of US President Donald

Trump’s move are just

beginning to be felt

across the Pacific.

Activists prepare to

hurl paint bombs

on an image of US

President Donald

J. Trump during a

protest near the US

embassy in Manila,

Philippines, 11

November 2017.


OUR WORLD | 2018

Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2018. www.project-syndicate.org


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