catalogo publicaciones FAO 2019

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Women prepare

the field for the

next rainy season

by digging


to save water.





World hunger has

increased for the

third year in a row –

with an estimated 821 million

people who faced chronic

food deprivation in 2017, as

compared to around 804 million

in 2016. Climate variability and

extremes are key drivers behind

this rise, and strategies to mitigate

and adapt to climate change are

therefore important to reverse the

negative trend.

Several recent publications

explore the potential, as

well as the limitations, of

climate-smart agriculture,

both as a general concept

and as practised in specific

national contexts (p. 59).

Others provide guidance for

countries in preparing their

national adaptation plans, their

Intended Nationally Determined

Contributions and other

climate-related commitments

(pp. 60–61).

2019 has seen several events

of importance for FAO’s work

on climate change, including

the United Nations High-level

Political Forum on Sustainable

Development in July, where

Sustainable Development Goal

13 – on climate change – was

reviewed, the UN Climate

Summit in September, and the

2019 United Nations Climate

Change Conference (COP25),

that will be held in December in

Santiago, Chile. •


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