catalogo publicaciones FAO 2019

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Forêt de la Combe.

©FAO/Julia Kelly


Forests are high on the 2030

Agenda for Sustainable

Development – as key carbon

sinks and as providers of crucial

ecosystem and social services.

A comprehensive outlook on the

future of forests in the Asia-Pacific

region was launched in June

2019 at Asia-Pacific Forestry

Week in the Republic of Korea

(p. 99). Its aim is to help

policy-makers understand the

changing nature of the region’s

forest sector to 2050 and realize

the enormous potential of forests

in achieving development goals

beyond the forest sector.

Two Forestry Working Papers

designed to help countries

improve community forestry

were released in the second

half of 2019 (p. 100): a

framework to assess the

extent and effectiveness of

community-based forestry and a

review of forest-tenure systems

and the extent to which such

systems enable the participation

of local people.

Forthcoming titles include an

edition of the journal Unasylva

on “Forests: nature-based

solutions for water”, and a

report presenting new data on

vulnerability to food insecurity in

mountain regions. •


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