The Vegas Voice 4-21

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Adam and Eve... and Their Dog

By: Vicki Wentz / Vicki’s Voice

Men and women - the never-ending game.

The mystery…the temptress and the

tempted…the Adam and the Eve…the one who

can dress for a wedding in a minute and the one

who starts laying out

“ensembles” the day after

someone’s proposal is


Two random episodes:

Sitting outside a

restaurant, after leaving

the smoky bar to get some

fresh air. (Who knew

bars were still smoky? I

thought the only place

anybody in the country

could sneak a Camel

now was the basement of

an abandoned tobacco warehouse in Georgia.)

People who smoke, in my humble opinion, are nuts, not to mention

smelly, but I don’t believe in legislating EVERYTHING IN THE

UNIVERSE from leaf-blowers to car seats – don’t you have to ride in a

car seat until you’re, like, twenty-three now?

And if somebody wants to light up, it’s his decision, bless his overtaxed

heart – but back to my tale.

So, I’m sitting on a little stone wall, and about ten feet away are

two girls and a guy, sipping drinks and talking earnestly. One girl had

broken up with her boyfriend “because, God, he is SO not ready to

commit, you know? I mean, I’m like ready to get married and have

kids, and he’s all like ‘What?’ and I just said, God, forget it.”

The other girl says, “Yeah, he doesn’t sound real mature, but you’re

already a Mom. You have Toby!”

The first girl giggles, “Yeah, Toby’s my baby! Same thing!” (Umm…

Fine. Whatever.)

But, the second girl goes on, “No, honestly, I truly believe, like,

walking a dog is the same as, like, changing a diaper, really. When

Dave walks Chester, I think that totally shows he’s ready to take care of

a baby, you know?”

Now, Dave (who has wisely stayed quiet so far) snorts involuntarily

into his beer and almost needs CPR.

This is the younger generation? They think walking a dog is the same

as changing a diaper, which is also, of course, the main prerequisite for

becoming a parent?

I recently visited my son and the new baby. Robby answered the door,

his eyes wide as if he’d been hit with a stun gun.

Behind him, Mommy was bouncing the crying baby, laundry was

piled on the couch, baby equipment had overtaken the dining room,

and dishes, bottles and pots covered the kitchen counters.

His first words to me were not “Hello” or “Hey, Mom”, but “HOW DO


As I remember that, I myself, snort involuntarily and almost fall off

the little stone wall!

The second male-female encounter involved our neighbors, a couple

with three young adult kids, a mortgage, and a great sense of humor.

They came by last night and we talked in the driveway for a few minutes.

The wife then said, “Come on, Pooh (not his real name) you

promised we’d just stop

for a minute and then

take our walk.”

Pooh looked at me,

mystified. “Can you

believe it? The kids are

out, the house is empty. I

say, ‘Snugglebunny (not

her real name either) we

need some quality time.’”

He wiggles his

eyebrows. “And she wants

to take a walk!” She

smacks him playfully on the arm.

Always thinking outside the box, I say, “Why don’t you split the

difference and run really hard from here back home and up to your

bedroom, and then…uh…burn some additional calories for the next

few hours?”

She smacks me on the arm, too, and off they go, still teasing

contentedly after 25 years.

As I watch them go, I wonder when it was that they realized changing

a diaper wasn’t all there was to parenthood. And, I notice, also, that they

don’t have a dog.

Vicki Wentz is a writer, teacher and speaker living in North

Carolina. Readers may contact her - and order her new children’s

book! - by visiting her website at www.vickiwentz.com.

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