The Man God Has For You by Stephan Labossiere

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building the foundation of a successful relationship.

We talk about high divorce rates, how love and

relationships aren’t the same, people don’t value commitment,

etc. Then we pile on explanations such as the generation of

today, people being raised poorly, the sex, finances, and a host

of other reasons; however, all of it stems from a lack of


When you have a genuine connection, you want to work

through things together. When the connection isn’t there and

the money isn’t right, or the sex is off, now you face the reality

that you never liked who they truly were, and you don’t want

to deal with them. You may not say it, but part of you thinks it.

If there’s no genuine connection, there’s not enough desire

and love for each other to want to overcome these obstacles, to

want to persevere. Even in situations where people stay

together, despite that lack, they’re not working passed those

issues. They drag things along and let things pile up until one

day it completely explodes and they can’t keep it together


There are other ramifications that can occur from this

disconnect which leads to a extremely unhealthy household.

Despite believing staying together is best, the disconnect can

negatively affect the children. It may have happened in some

of your lives. You may have grown up in a household where

your parents (married or single) created a false and unhealthy

perception of love and relationships. An unhealthy

environment due to broken relationships and people who had

no connection trying to deal with one another.

It doesn’t work.

It’s dangerous and I don’t want you to move forward

ignoring it. That’s not what God wants. He knows it’s


As I said earlier in the chapter, a connection is like two

spirits recognizing their counterpart. God wants you to be with

your counterpart. He wants you to be with the person you’re

truly aligned with and be able to walk the path He’s designed

for you both.

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