The Man God Has For You by Stephan Labossiere

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thrown up a red flag. Eventually, he’ll walk away because he

doesn’t want to deal with it, or it hurts too much to try to push

pass it.

This isn’t to say the man wasn’t removed based on your

request to God, or that every man who’s walked away was a

result of being pushed away. Nor does the man’s unwillingness

to let you go mean he is the man for you. I just want you to

understand that this approach of asking God to remove certain

men from your life can lead you to pushing away the man who

you can potentially have a great relationship with. Again, if he

has genuine interest, he’s more sensitive to what is occurring

in the situation. This will cause him to hold back because you

are. If you want to expose a man’s true intentions, then you

have to be genuine about yours.

How can you find out if his feelings are real, when you’re

not being real with how you feel?

It doesn’t work like that.

Simply relying on God to remove a man is not the way to

do it. The better approach is to ask God should you be dealing

with this man, is he for you, and how should you proceed? The

key words I’m using focuses on you asking for direction on

how to navigate the situation. This goes back to what I said

before, you have to come to God ready to listen. You aren’t

there to only make a petition or vent. You come to Him to ask

for direction, listen, and then be obedient to what you’re told.

Some of you may feel as if trying to listen to God is too

complicated, or may not be sure how to decipher if you’re

listening to yourself or what God is trying to tell you. I get it.

There’s much to address about hearing God; however, your

intuition is your first guide. As a woman of God, it’s your

spirit that’s trying to reach you, talk to you, and get your

attention. It’s rare to find a woman who can say her intuition

was wrong.

Plain and simple.

It’s not a matter of you not being able to hear, it’s more of

you getting comfortable with what you’re hearing, even if it’s

what you don’t want to hear.

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