The Man God Has For You by Stephan Labossiere

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Me: Why?

The Woman: Oh, because they weren’t at the level

spiritually where they needed to be.

Me: Oh. So you decided for yourself that they weren’t good

enough spiritually, or at the level you felt they should be,

meaning matching yours so to speak, but did you ever stop and

ask God?

The Woman: No.

Moral of the story: just because you have evolved to a

certain level, doesn’t mean the man that doesn’t match it

should be automatically dismissed.

To be clear, I’m not saying to get with him now in his

current phase. This is why praying and asking

God, and getting His consultation is so important. It may

be a situation where this guy needs some time.

Chances are, if he needs some time, there are some things

you need to work on as well, and then you two will come back

together. But if you completely dismiss it without going to

God because he doesn’t pass YOUR test, you could be

shooting yourself in the foot. His love of God may not reflect

your same behaviors with regard to how he worships, prays,

reads the Bible and so on; however, this doesn’t mean his

relationship with God isn’t as good as yours, or that yours is


You have to be mindful of completely using your own

logic and metrics to determine who’s the best fit for you.

That’s why the name of this chapter is

He Will Love God, not “he will be the perfect

Christian,” not “he will do XYZ,” he will love God and

from there you have to pray and ask if this is the man for you

and should you be with him. For all we know, there may be a

friendship that needs to occur first before things can go further.

Don’t dismiss it, or shut it down. Be open to what needs to

happen and you can only know that by going to God.

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