The Man God Has For You by Stephan Labossiere

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He’ll be someone who will struggle understanding how he

needs to pour into you, treat you, and cherish you as the

blessing that God gave him. His love of God needs to be there,

but this doesn’t lead to perfect behavior.

So how do you know if he’s a man of God? What criteria

can you use to assess a man and his genuine love for God?

The first step is to understand the difference between a

man who loves God and struggles with his flesh, versus a man

who loves his flesh and struggles with embracing God.

The man who loves God and struggles with his flesh is no

different than you. He may embrace prayer and the

understanding that God wants him to walk a greater path, as

well as be better in the way that he approaches such things as

who he’s to be as a man.

He gives credit to God, he’s aware and can humble himself

in the fact of knowing that he can’t accomplish anything

without the power that God gave him, the love that God

showed him, or the guidance that God provided.

However, he’s human, just as you.

Oftentimes, there are certain behaviors that reflect his past

or everyday life struggles where he may fall off track, or at

least be tempted. Behaviors adverse to his walk may appear

and you might be quick to say he’s not serious. However,

when he can acknowledge his errors, understand the need to

find ways to improve, and not reject facing God on the issue,

then you know He is trying to walk the right path. He may not

attend church as much as you want, worship how you think he

should, or even be as passionate when he comes to God in

reverence and prayer. These instances are where you two may

differ; however, it doesn’t necessarily define him as a man

who isn’t genuine about God.

On the flip side, the man who is in love with his flesh but

struggles to embrace God is a man who doesn’t respect your

walk. He’s not able to encourage your growth in God, or his

own. Some of these men don’t particularly reject with their

words what they need to do, because they put on a convincing

act. They’re in church just like you, can quote scriptures and

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