The Man God Has For You by Stephan Labossiere

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Let me pause right here and make something crystal clear

to you right now, that is the wrong prayer. Sorry to burst your

bubble and disappoint you. I’ll say it again, that is the


As popular as it is and as comforting as it may be, simply

telling God to take this person away and let it be done is the

wrong request.

Here’s why, you ask God to remove this person if they

aren’t for you then go into a wait and see mode, observing the

situation, waiting to see what happens next. You may see

nothing wrong with it, believing you’re allowing things to

happen in “God’s time”; however, when you take a wait and

see approach while you’re dating or getting to know someone,

you hold back. You don’t show much interest, take initiative,

make a mutual effort to grow and nurture the relationship, or

discover if there’s a deep and genuine connection.

So now, your wall is up because that’s essentially what you

do when you hold back. You restrict your ability to love and

receive love, stunt the growth and kill the potential of that

relationship. While you’re thinking this man disappeared or

fell back from your life because God removed him, more than

likely it’s because you pushed him away. It’s easier for a man

to chase lust, than it is for him to chase love.

What do I mean by that?

When we lust after someone, those reservations, the

resistance, the walls aren’t going to faze that man much. Why?

He’s locked in on the desire, his selfishness to fulfill whatever

conquest he has in mind. He has a goal he’s trying to achieve

and your resistance won’t stop that. However, when he is truly

into you and real feelings are involved, now your resistance

gives him pause. It makes him scared, feel insecure, and

question if you’re really into him.

As much as you may not want to believe it, men get played

too. They may not get played as much as women, but way

more than you realize. In light of this, a lot of men approach

things cautiously and when you start to hold back, you’ve

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