The Man God Has For You by Stephan Labossiere

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Cause a Man to Walk Away

Do not think, for one second, that just because this man is

of God that he’ll stick around, tough it out, and jump through

hoops and hurdles just to get through your emotional blockade

—it’s just not true.

I’ve sat down with a lot of people individually, and with

potential couples who I knew were for each other, as well as

had a deep and genuine connection. However, because of their

past, outside circumstances, and not connecting with what God

wanted them to do, the relationship did not proceed.

There were many regrets and they later understood what

they needed to do differently. Although, at that time, they

handled things the wrong way.

He may have his own fears and even if he’s work passed

some things, he may not want to deal with the resistance. Be

honest about whether or not you’re being open, inviting, and

receptive to his efforts. Do you validate holding back with

“guarding your heart”?

Remember what we covered in Chapter 5.

Guarding your heart pertains to protecting it from fear,

anger and anxiety; it does not mean you shield yourself from

being open and receptive to the man who’s genuinely into you.

If you continue to use this as an excuse, it will only hurt you in

the end. Like the old saying goes, don’t cut your nose to spite

your face.

Are You Really Listening to God?

I can tell you right now, when God wants you to do

something or has someone for you and wants you to proceed,

none of it is with the idea of holding back. Be clear that when

you do this you’re operating out of fear, not faith, which

means you’re not approaching the relationship the way God


I get it.

It’s scary and your feelings are valid. I’m not judging you

for being afraid and I don’t want you to beat yourself up over

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