March/April 2021

The UK's outdoor hospitality business magazine for function venues, glamping, festivals and outdoor events

The UK's outdoor hospitality business magazine for function venues, glamping, festivals and outdoor events


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trivial but to them are important, so give<br />

them plenty of time; people won’t open up<br />

if they feel rushed.<br />


It’s inevitable that the way you work, and<br />

some duties, will have changed. This might<br />

present opportunities to restructure, to<br />

upskill and cross train people to master<br />

new skills, to take on other responsibilities<br />

as part of their development.<br />

There may be duties that were once a<br />

part of a role but are now less of a priority,<br />

so explain why this is. If these were tasks<br />

they did well or took a particular pride<br />

in doing, be sensitive to how you handle<br />

this. You certainly don’t want them to get<br />

the impression that their previous efforts<br />

weren’t appreciated.<br />

Whatever the outcome, be clear on what<br />

the ‘new’ role is, or at least what the options<br />

are. You may not need to agree this right<br />

now; either one of you may need to time to<br />

research or reflect.<br />


What needs to happen as a result of your<br />

meeting? There may be things they need<br />

from you, and possibly things you need<br />

them from them too. Sum up the actions<br />

either of you will take and by when, so you<br />

both know where you stand.<br />

› REASSURE<br />

By now you’ll have a good sense for how<br />

they are feeling. Address any areas of<br />

concern, so they know you are there to<br />

support them, and that they can come to<br />

you with any later questions or suggestions,<br />

however trivial they may seem.<br />

Do they have any further questions about<br />

their shifts, their pay, any training prior to<br />

opening, any new responsibilities, who<br />

they will be working with? You may not be<br />

able to answer all these questions right<br />

now, so make a commitment to when you’ll<br />

come back to them. Reassure them of your<br />

commitment to their safety and ongoing<br />

support.<br />


Don’t dwell on the past, but demonstrate<br />

your enthusiasm and excitement about the<br />

opportunities ahead. Are there any new<br />

skills or interests they’ve adopted during<br />

lockdown that have relevance to their work<br />

or to the business as a whole and they’d like<br />

to pursue?<br />

What new skills or development<br />

would they like? You may not be able to<br />

make any promises, but by having these<br />

conversations now makes it easier to factor<br />

them into your new business model where<br />

you can, and gives them something more to<br />

look forward to.<br />

Everyone now has new experiences and<br />

different perspectives than they did 12<br />

months ago, so listen and take on board<br />

any ideas and suggestions they have to help<br />

with their return to work or your reopening.<br />


Schedule a follow-up date with each team<br />

member. Even though you’ve told them<br />

you are there for them, some would never<br />

initiate a conversation or come to you for<br />

help unless it’s in the privacy of a scheduled<br />

one-to-one meeting. Whether you meet<br />

again before re-opening or not, make<br />

sure there is at least one follow up date<br />

scheduled before you end the meeting.<br />


Some of your team members may not<br />

have seen one another for the whole of the<br />

lockdown. You may even have new people<br />

in your team who haven’t met anyone yet.<br />

Take steps now to bring the team together,<br />

and ensure that when they return everyone<br />

is aligned. Here are three areas to pay<br />

attention to:<br />


People perform better when they feel a<br />

sense of belonging, and one of the easiest<br />

ways to do this is to have a shared purpose.<br />

But a lot’s changed in the last 12 months,<br />

so it’s possible your vision, mission, or<br />

values have shifted. Even if this isn’t the<br />

case, remind your team of your purpose,<br />

and by doing this collectively you know that<br />

everybody has had the same message.<br />

In the lead up to opening, you’ll also<br />

have some immediate goals and priorities.<br />

If you let everyone know now what these<br />

are, it means they can be more prepared for<br />

them as and when they return. This enables<br />

everybody to be working towards the same<br />

goals and targets from the outset. This also<br />

provides an opportunity for people to share<br />

their ideas and input. Your team will often<br />

have a different perspective, so give them a<br />

voice, which in turn gains buy in and helps<br />

them feel valued.<br />


It’s likely that most people’s roles will have<br />

changed to some degree, even if only<br />

slightly. Help everyone see how they each<br />

fit in and contribute to the overall purpose,<br />

and also individual departmental goals and<br />

priorities.<br />

New roles and new challenges may<br />

result in some people needing support,<br />

so it’s good for everyone to know where<br />

that support might come from. Who within<br />

the team has the right experience, skills or<br />

knowledge to support a colleague?<br />

As you will have identified from the<br />

one-to-one meetings, priorities for some<br />

have changed. If this is going to impact<br />

how or when people work, it can be useful<br />

for others to understand this. If they feel<br />

comfortable to do so, create an opportunity<br />

for them to share this.<br />


Don’t let the lockdown prevent you from<br />

doing things together as a team. There<br />

are plenty of activities you can do online,<br />

where people can work as a team. Anything<br />

from virtual escape rooms, to horseracing,<br />

to cocktail masterclasses or wine tastings<br />

etc.<br />

Whatever you do, the focus should be on<br />

having some fun with colleagues. If there’s<br />

some relevant learning to be had as a result<br />

(such as wine tasting), so much the better,<br />

but that shouldn’t be a prerequisite. You<br />

can also use your outdoor space to get<br />

your team together in person (naturally<br />

maintaining social distancing and any other<br />

government guidelines).<br />

Taking part in a charitable event - be that<br />

fundraising, volunteering, or simply raising<br />

awareness - can be a rewarding way of<br />

bringing people together to work as a team,<br />

even if virtually.<br />

Remember to celebrate what’s been<br />

good about the past 12 months. Have any<br />

team members achieved a qualification,<br />

or marked a significant event, birthday, or<br />

anniversary, but missed out celebrating<br />

with others? What have you achieved<br />

within the business: renovations, new<br />

services, charity work, supporting key<br />

workers etc?<br />


Recognise your team will be experiencing<br />

a mix of emotions as they think about their<br />

return to work. Start preparing them as<br />

soon as you can, so they are ready both<br />

mentally and physically. Listen to concerns,<br />

answer their questions, and ask for their<br />

input so they feel valued.<br />

Bring your team together so they are<br />

aligned and working together towards<br />

a shared purpose. And remember to<br />

celebrate and recognise your team’s<br />

contribution to your successful re-opening.<br />

Good luck.<br />


Caroline Cooper is the<br />

Founder of Naturally Loyal,<br />

and has over 30 years'<br />

training and development<br />

experience in hospitality.<br />

Recognising that managers in<br />

hospitality often get promoted into<br />

positions without much training, her key focus<br />

is on developing newly promoted and junior<br />

managers to lead and engage their teams<br />

effectively. You can download her free A-Z of<br />

Managing People at<br />

www.naturallyloyal.com/oaba2z<br />


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