A.D. 381 heretics, pagans, and the dawn of the monotheistic state ( PDFDrive )

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the doctrine of the Trinity could be found on every page of scripture. Servetus

responded: ̒ To me not only the syllables but all the letters and the mouths of

babes and sucklings, even the very stones themselves, cry out there is one God

the Father and [as a separate being] his Christ, the Lord Jesus ... Not one word is

found in the whole Bible about the Trinity nor about its persons, nor about the

essence nor the unity of substance nor of the one nature of the several beings nor

about any of the rest of their ravings and logic chopping.̓15

Servetus’ occupation allowed him to travel freely. In Lyons he fell into the

hands of the Catholic Inquisition, but the body did not have enough documentary

evidence of his views at hand to prosecute him for heresy. The resourceful

Servetus escaped over the French border and made for Geneva, which was then

presided over by the Protestant reformer John Calvin. But Servetus had sent

Calvin a copy of his works, and when he arrived, Calvin had him arrested for his

views on the Trinity. With the support of his fellow reformers and the approval

of Lutheran leaders, he sentenced Servetus to be burnt as a heretic. The law

under which Servetus was convicted had been adopted from the code of

Justinian, and it prescribed the death penalty for the crime of the denial of the

Trinity. The burning of Servetus was followed by a successful rooting out of the

printed edition of his On the Errors of the Trinity; only three copies survive


Worse was to come. The inevitable result of having ‘faiths’ based on rival

doctrines that could not be supported by reasoned thought was conflict between

opposing churches, in this case Catholicism and Protestantism. The destruction

caused to Europe by the Wars of Religion between 1618 and 1648 was

unprecedented in the range and number of countries affected. In south-west

Germany, for example, no other event in recorded history has had similarly

devastating effects on the population, and in some areas of central Europe the

population fell, under the accumulation of atrocities, epidemics and the

breakdown of agriculture, to a third of pre-war levels. It was from sheer

exhaustion and horror at the atrocities and counter-atrocities that by 1648,

Europeans, in the words of Jonathan Israel,‘had to accept that the Almighty, for

whatever reason, refused to signal which church teaches the true faith ... and

ordained general confessional deadlock reaching from the Americas and Ireland

to Poland, Hungary-Transylvania, and the fringes of the Orthodox world, with

many lands in between remaining deeply split’. 16 This ‘profound spiritual crisis’

led to the revival of an ideal that had been lost for well over a thousand years,

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