A.D. 381 heretics, pagans, and the dawn of the monotheistic state ( PDFDrive )

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should be allowed into the empire while the Greuthingi were to be kept out and

patrol boats were to be stationed along the river so that they could not cross. The

Tervingi appear to have asked for land in Thrace (the modern Bulgaria and

European Turkey) to the south of where they were massed on the Danube.

Valens agreed to this, a sign perhaps that he was already losing the initiative.

Things began to go wrong as soon as the migration began, sometime late in

the autumn. The numbers may have been far greater than Valens realised: one

estimate is that the Tervingi totalled some 200,000, a massive group to keep fed

and under control. Certainly the reception was not well planned. Ammianus

Marcellinus tells how the refugees swarmed across the Danube in boats, rafts

and even hollowed-out tree trunks, with many drowning as they attempted to

swim across. Those that did reach shore were met by unscrupulous Roman

commanders who bartered dogs, as food, in return for taking the younger men as

slaves for themselves. Disorder began to spread and the local Roman

commander of Thrace, Lupicinius, penned the Goths into a camp near the town

of Marcianople, the regional headquarters for the border area. When he clumsily

tried to separate Fritigern and the other Goth leaders from their men, a major

revolt broke out. Desperate to keep order, he now had to withdraw the troops

policing the Danube, and the Geuthingi too poured across the river. The

Geuthingi and Tervingi made contact, and Lupicinius’ small force was overrun

The Goths, desperately in need of supplies, now swept over the Haemus

mountains towards the city of Adrianople, where a Gothic contingent in the

Roman garrison mutinied and joined them. Although the Goths were unable to

take walled cities, they rampaged over the open plain of Thrace. ‘All places were

ablaze with slaughter and great fires; babies were torn from the very breasts of

their mothers and slain, matrons and widows whose husbands had been killed

before their eyes were carried off, boys of tender or adult age were dragged away

over the dead bodies of their parents’, wrote Ammianus Marcellinus. 6

Archaeologists have been able to date the destruction of luxurious Roman villas

along the slopes of the Haemus mountains to this time.

Valens was now seriously worried. We know of a desperate mission by his

court orator, Themistius, to Rome to ask Gratian to supply troops, while Valens

sent some of his own men westwards from Armenia. These arrived in Thrace in

the summer of 377 and had some success in pushing the Goths back across the

Haemus mountains and holding them in battle at Ad Salices, ‘the place by the

willows’. It was a temporary respite. The Goths were now back in touch with the

border tribes, and they even seem to have recruited some Huns with the promise

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