Adil GÜNER, Vehbi ESER - optima

Adil GÜNER, Vehbi ESER - optima

Adil GÜNER, Vehbi ESER - optima


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Ali KAYA 1 , Asuman EFE 1<br />

1 Istanbul University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Botany, �stanbul :<br />

alikaya84@gmail.com ; aefe@istanbul.edu.tr<br />

This research comprises Belba��&Maha Plateaus and their environs that takes place in<br />

Gazipa�a district of Antalya. The research area is in the border of Sugözü and �ahinler<br />

villages. It is located in a valley that is extending south–north direction between<br />

Cula&Karasay mountains with Akçal� mountain and terminated with Gevne valley that feeds<br />

the Göksu River. It is stated in C4 square, according to the P.H. Davis’s grid system for<br />

Turkey. And it is situated in the Central Taurus Mountains as geographical and located at<br />

Sub-Mediterrranean area which shows the transition properties of Mediterranean and Irano-<br />

Turanian fitogeographic regions as fitogeographical.<br />

This study is a part of “Flora of Belba�� & Maha Plateaus (Antalya-Gazipa�a)” project (I.U.<br />

T-3668, 2008-2010). 1270 plant specimens were collected from the research area in different<br />

vegetation periods from 2007 to 2009. Up to now, 430 samples have been idendified. As a<br />

result of identification of the collected plant specimens, 238 taxa belonging to 116 genera and<br />

62 families have been determined. Forty-eight of these taxa are endemic. The plant<br />

specimens, which are collected from the area have been kept in the ISTO (Istanbul University<br />

Faculty of Forestry Herbarium).<br />

In this study, distribution of endemic taxa have been investigated and the statuses have been<br />

evaluated according to the IUCN threat criteria. As a result of this study, many of endemics<br />

are rare. Arnebia purpurea S. Erik & H. Sümbül, Cephalaria gazipashensis H. Sümbül, and<br />

Onopordum bracteatum var. arachnoideum S. Erik & H. Sümbül are known only from<br />

Belba�� and Maha Plateaus and Gevne valley.<br />

In this investigation, which is also supported by the literature researching, has been intended<br />

to emphasize the importance of the region and the plants that should be protected.<br />

Keywords: Rare endemic, IUCN,Gazipa�a, Belba��&Maha Plateaus, Turkey<br />


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