APril · MAy 2011 - Calgary Winter Club

APril · MAy 2011 - Calgary Winter Club

APril · MAy 2011 - Calgary Winter Club


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B o w l i n g<br />

J i m C h a n n o n | 4 0 3 . 3 3 8 . 2 4 2 4 | j i m c @ c a lga ry w i n t e r c l u b.c o m<br />

JoIn A SprIng BoWlIng progrAm<br />

Space is still available for you to sign up for our fun and<br />

exciting Spring bowling programs. Register now in Game Time for<br />

the following: Smurfs’ Bumper Bowling (Mondays at 1:30<br />

or 2:15 pm - for ages 3 to 5), Tuesday Ladies (1:00 pm),<br />

Wednesday Mixed (7:30 p.m.), and Thursday Youth<br />

(4:30 pm - for ages 6 to 15). All Spring bowling programs<br />

begin the week of April 11th and run until the last week of May.<br />

Remember that players can<br />

enter as teams, couples or singles. Beginners<br />

are more than welcome to join in the fun!<br />

Strike SPonSorS<br />

Special thanks to the following individuals and companies<br />

who annually support our Strike Board:<br />

12 Strikes in a Row - $1200 Cash c/o C412 Investments<br />

(Dave & Lottie Hutchinson)<br />

11 Strikes in a Row - $200 c/o Madaroch Construction<br />

(Toby & Perry Roch)<br />

10 Strikes in a Row - $100 Dinner c/o <strong>Calgary</strong> <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>Club</strong><br />

9 Strikes in a Row - $50 Cash c/o Antosz Orthodontics<br />

8 Strikes in a Row - $30 Gift Certificate - Gillette’s<br />

Stadium Fabricare - (Joanne Drackett)<br />

7 Stricks in a Row - 4 Bottles of Pepsi - Pepsi Cola Ltd.<br />

6 Stricks in a Row - Potato Chips from Sysco Foods<br />

SuPer boWl xxx tournament reSultS<br />

The team of Betty Ayers, Kyle Jensen, Cyril Ayers,<br />

Michelle Huszti and Jean Podovinnikoff captured the <strong>2011</strong><br />

Super Bowl Championship. This is the second year in a row<br />

that Michelle Huszti has won this prestigious tournament.<br />

Bowlers of the night were Amanda Burwash (144 pins over<br />

average) and Bob Paranych (82 pins over average). Thanks<br />

to Dennis Havrelock for organizing this tremendous event<br />

for the 30th year in a row! Special thanks to Dennis and his<br />

wife Patricia for donating prizes and the annual plaque for<br />

the winning team.<br />

family tWoSome reSultS<br />

A full registration of 80<br />

people participated in this<br />

season’s edition of the<br />

Twosome. For the first time<br />

in tournament history,<br />

members from the same<br />

family finished in first and<br />

second place. Congratulations<br />

to the top four finishers:<br />

1 st - Max Gosselin and grandmother Flora Gosselin<br />

2 nd - Lucas Gosselin and grandfather Maurice Gosselin<br />

3 rd - Alex Jennett and mom Trish Jennett<br />

laDieS inter<strong>Club</strong> CHallenge reSultS<br />

Deborah Eastwood (pictured right) rolled an<br />

amazing 300 score in the last game to lead the<br />

CWC team to victory at the Glencoe <strong>Club</strong>.<br />

Overall, our heroes won the event by 250 pins.<br />

Well done, ladies! Special thanks to Marg<br />

Aksenchuk for her dignified acceptance speech.<br />

HigH SCoreS!<br />

Listed below are the highest men’s and ladies’ scores bowled<br />

in our leagues this season:<br />

Men<br />

1. Ken Hilland, 416<br />

2. Nick Lalla, 355<br />

3. Dennis Havrelock, 353<br />

4. Darrell Kline, 350<br />

5. Bill Daniel, 349<br />

6. Darrell Kline, 348<br />

7. Doug Zwick, 344<br />

8. Paul Dziuba, 340<br />

9. Jim Channon, 333<br />

10. Ben Buchanan, 330<br />

Women<br />

1. Cheryl Grabowecky, 314<br />

2. Toby Roch, 302<br />

3. Milvia Nazarko, 295<br />

4. Laurie Tambosso, 290<br />

5. Michelle Huszti, 287<br />

6. Michelle Huszti, 286<br />

7. Marleen Brown, 281<br />

8. Milvia Nazarko, 276<br />

9. Tracy Rvachew, 273<br />

10. Olive Anderson, 271<br />

tHe eleventH frame<br />

… best wishes to Chris Rvachew, Sean Mickelson and Ian<br />

Sefton who have all qualified for the <strong>Calgary</strong> 200/250/275<br />

Youth Challenge at the Chinook Bowladrome on May 1 st …<br />

thanks to Susan and Barry Jennings who donated prizes for<br />

all participants at the Teachers’ Convention Funbowl… there<br />

will be General Bowling on Good Friday (April 22 nd ) and<br />

Victoria Day (May 23 rd ) from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm… sorry to<br />

hear that former league bowlers Maud Kendrick and Clara<br />

Dancer recently passed away...<br />

b O w l i N G<br />

c a l g a r y w i n t e r c l u b . c o m | A p r i l . M a y 2 0 1 1 35

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