Cultura del control en la sociedad de la información digital - c3si.org

Cultura del control en la sociedad de la información digital - c3si.org

Cultura del control en la sociedad de la información digital - c3si.org


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<strong>Cultura</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>l</strong> <strong>control</strong> <strong>en</strong> <strong>la</strong> Sociedad <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> información <strong>digital</strong>⎯ Rouse, I. (1973) Introducción a <strong>la</strong> prehistoria: un <strong>en</strong>foque sistemático.Bel<strong>la</strong>terra: Barcelona.⎯ Santana, B., (1997) “Introducing the Technophobia/Technophilia”, <strong>en</strong>Education, Technology, & Society. CA: UCLA Departm<strong>en</strong>t of Education.⎯ Snow, C.P. (1959) The Two Cultures and the Sci<strong>en</strong>tific Revolution, confer<strong>en</strong>cia<strong>en</strong> <strong>la</strong> S<strong>en</strong>ate House <strong>de</strong> Cambridge.⎯ Tylor, E. (1871) Primitive Culture. Londres: John Murray.⎯ Weber, M. (1922) Economy and Society⎯ Weinberg, S. (2001) “A Value Free-Net”, Joho, 14 <strong>de</strong> mayo <strong>de</strong> 2001.Disponible <strong>en</strong> http://www.hyper<strong>org</strong>.com/backissues/joho-may14-01.html#value (consultada <strong>en</strong> abril <strong>de</strong> 2005).⎯ Winner L. (1987) La ball<strong>en</strong>a y el reactor. Gedisa: Barcelona.⎯ Winner, L. (1997) Cyberlibertarian Miths and the Prospects to Community,Departm<strong>en</strong>t of Sci<strong>en</strong>ce and Technology Studies, R<strong>en</strong>sse<strong>la</strong>er PolytechnicInstitute, (borrador para discutir). Docum<strong>en</strong>to <strong>en</strong>:http://www.rpi.edu/~winner/cyberlib2.html.⎯ Winner L., (1997), Cyberlibertarian miths and the Prospects to Community,Departm<strong>en</strong>t of Sci<strong>en</strong>ce and Technology Studies, R<strong>en</strong>sse<strong>la</strong>er PolytechnicInstitute.⎯ Wittg<strong>en</strong>stein, L. (1987) Observaciones sobre los fundam<strong>en</strong>tos <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong>matemática. Madrid: Alianza.⎯ Wittg<strong>en</strong>stein, L. (1988) Investigaciones filosóficas. Barcelona: Crítica.58

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