Essais & Simulations n°140

Des moyens essais pour répondre aux enjeux et exigences de l'industrie.

Des moyens essais pour répondre aux enjeux et exigences de l'industrie.


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Who is Brent Stucker ?

AdditivePrep Heat maps

machine and material databases to help them in certification of

the process. Our powerful design tools allow use of topology optimization

and generative design processes. Our Material analysis

tools can go down to microscopic levels to simulate the porosity,

density and microstructure of the metal printed parts. This allows

our users to focus more on the product development process for

their products and takes the uncertainty out of the Additive Manufacturing

process itself. ●

Interview by Olivier Guillon

Brent Stucker, Ph.D. is Director of Additive Manufacturing

(AM) at Ansys. He is the co-founder and former CEO of 3DSIM,

acquired by Ansys, Inc in November, 2017. Dr. Stucker has

been a leading researcher and industry expert in additive

manufacturing for 25 years. Dr. Stucker was the first

chairman for ASTM International Committee F42 on Additive

Manufacturing Technologies, and was elected to the ASTM

International Board of Directors in 2015. He has received

numerous AM industry awards, including the International

Freeform and Additive Manufacturing Excellence Award; the

2015 Additive World Conference Industrial Impact Award;

the 2012 Industry Achievement Award from the Society of

Manufacturing Engineers, and the 2010 Robert J. Painter

Memorial Award from ASTM. He has co-authored a leading

textbook, Additive Manufacturing Technologies: 3D Printing,

Rapid Prototyping and Direct Digital Manufacturing.

Dr. Stucker holds numerous patents, has authored and coauthored

over 200 technical publications on AM, and has

presented over 250 technical talks. Dr. Stucker has worked with

the National Science Foundation, DARPA, the Office of Naval

Research (ONR) and others to develop research priorities and

funding roadmaps for the AM industry. Dr. Stucker received

his B.S. from the University of Idaho and his Ph.D. from Texas

A&M University, both in Mechanical Engineering.

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ESSAIS & SIMULATIONS • N°140 • Février - Mars 2020 I57

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