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15<br />

Undang-undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 tentang<br />

Perseroan Terbatas (UUPT) merupakan produk hukum<br />

utama bagi perusahaan berbentuk perseroan terbatas<br />

(PT), termasuk perusahaan yang merupakan Emiten<br />

atau Perusahaan Publik di pasar modal. Pada dasarnya,<br />

UUPT ini telah mengakomodasi konsep dan prinsip<br />

tata kelola perusahaan yang baik dibandingkan<br />

undang-undang sebelumnya 3 . Kini, Dewan Komisaris<br />

dan Direksi dituntut untuk lebih akuntabel dalam<br />

melaksanakan fiduciary duties. Kewajiban untuk<br />

mengimplementasikan praktik tata kelola perusahaan<br />

yang baik (good corporate governance) dan<br />

tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (Corporate Social<br />

Responsibility/CSR) juga mulai diterapkan dalam UUPT<br />

2007.<br />

Disamping itu, juga terdapat ketentuan bagi<br />

perusahaan yang menjalankan kegiatan usaha<br />

berdasarkan prinsip syariah, untuk memiliki Dewan<br />

Pengawas Syariah. Dengan demikian, UUPT 2007<br />

memberikan perhatian yang lebih besar dalam hal<br />

penerapan tata kelola perusahaan di Indonesia. Di<br />

samping itu, Emiten dan Perusahaan Publik juga<br />

tunduk pada ketentuan yang diatur dalam Undang-<br />

Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1995 tentang Pasar Modal<br />

(UUPM) dan peraturan pelaksanaannya.<br />

Hingga saat ini, Pedoman Umum GCG dari KNKG<br />

belum secara meluas diterapkan dalam praktik bisnis<br />

di Indonesia. Hal ini dikarenakan penerapan Pedoman<br />

Umum GCG bersifat sukarela dan tidak merupakan<br />

bagian dari ketentuan perundang-undangan.<br />

Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability<br />

Company (Limited Liability Company Law) is a major<br />

legal product for companies in the form of a limited<br />

liability company (PT), including companies that are<br />

Issuers or Public Companies in the capital market.<br />

Basically, the Limited Liability Company Law has<br />

accommodated the concepts and principles of good<br />

corporate governance if compared to the previous<br />

law 3 . Currently, the Board of Commissioners<br />

and Board of Directors are required to be more<br />

accountable in carrying out fiduciary duties. The<br />

obligation to implement good corporate governance<br />

(GCG) practices and corporate social responsibility<br />

(CSR) also began to be applied in the 2007 Limited<br />

Liability Company Law.<br />

In addition, there are also provisions for companies<br />

that run businesses based on Sharia principles, to<br />

have a Sharia Supervisory Board. Accordingly, the<br />

2007 Limited Liability Law gives greater attention in<br />

terms of the application of corporate governance in<br />

Indonesia. In addition, Issuers and Public Companies<br />

are also subject to the provisions stipulated in Law<br />

No. 8 of 1995 concerning Capital Market (Capital<br />

Market Law) and its implementing regulations.<br />

Until now, the Code of GCG of the KNKG have<br />

not been widely applied in business practices in<br />

Indonesia. This is because application of Code of GCG<br />

is voluntary and does not form part of the statutory<br />

provisions.<br />

“When developing a corporate governance code, it is preferable to have the support of<br />

the government as well as the business community. … the establishment of a code of best<br />

practice in a country is a continuous labor of love. It takes time and effort, and there have<br />

to be willing participants who want to do it in the interests of their country. Having regard<br />

to international institutional investment taking place across an electronic, borderless<br />

world, however, every country today should endeavor to establish its own code within the<br />

parameters of internationaly approved principles and guidelines of corporate governance.”<br />

Mervyn King, Chairman of the King Committee on Corporate Governance,<br />

South Africa, 2005<br />

3 Pengaturan perusahaan berbentuk PT sebelumnya diatur<br />

melalui Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Dagang (KUHD) yang<br />

berlaku sejak jaman kolonialisasi Belanda hingga kemudian<br />

dihapus dengan dikeluarkannya Undang-undang Nomor 1<br />

Tahun 1995 tentang Perseroan Terbatas (UUPT). Kemudian<br />

UUPT 1995 dihapus dan diganti dengan UUPT 2007.<br />

3 Limited Liability Companies were previously regulated by<br />

the Code of Commercial Law (KUHD) in force since the Dutch<br />

colonial time until then removed with the issuance of Law No.<br />

1 of 1995 concerning Limited Liability Company (Limited Liability<br />

Company Law). Then the 1995 Limited Liability Company<br />

Law was removed and replaced by the 2007 Limited Liability<br />

Company Law.

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