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Oscar favourites inthe fi lm packagesEvery new film year the attention of film fans aroundthe world turns to the Academy Awards for outstanding filmachievements. Some of the films that received the highest honourin filmmaking this year have already been in our film programme.Here we’ll take a look at some of the Oscar-winners that shipsjoining the Film Rental Service can look forward to.«No Country for Old Men», directed byJoel and Ethan Coen won four Oscarawards including best motion picture andbest director. The story begins whenLlewelyn Moss finds a pickup truck surroundedby dead men. A load of heroinand two million dollars in cash are in theback. When Moss takes the money, hesets off a chain reaction of catastrophicviolence, in particular committed by themysterious and evil Chigurh. The law, inthe person of aging, disillusioned SheriffBell (Tommy Lee Jones), finds himselfoutmatched by this new monstrous formof criminality. The Spanish actor JavierBardem was given the award for bestsupporting actor for his interpretation ofthe character Chigurh.Daniel Day-Lewis got his secondOscar award for best performance by anactor in a leading role for his portrayal ofDaniel Plainview in «There will beBlood», a sprawling epic about family,faith, power and oil. The story is set onthe radical frontier of California’s turnof-the-centurypetroleum boom and revolvesaround one unforgettable character:Plainview who transforms himselffrom a down-and-out silver miner intoa self-made oil tycoon.«Atonement» was rewarded withan Oscar for best original music. Thefilm opens in England in 1935. In thelooming shadow of World War IICecilia , Briony and their family live alife of wealth and privilege. Briony is agirl with a vivid imagination. Through aseries of catastrophic misunderstandingsshe accuses Robbie Turner ( JamesMcAvoy), the housekeeper’s son andlover of her sister Cecilia (KeiraKneightly), of a crime he did notcommit . This accusation destroys Robbieand Cecilia’s new found love and dramaticallyalters the course of all theirlives. Briony continues to seek forgivenessfor her childhood misdeed.The Academy found «Juno» to havethe best original screenplay for thestory about sixteen year-old JunoMacGuff (Academy Award nomineeEllen Page). She learns that she’s pregnantfrom a one-time sexual encounter.With the help of her best friend, Junofinds her unborn child a ”perfect” set ofparents: an affluent suburban couplelonging to adopt.Visionary filmmaker Tim Burtonreceived an Oscar for best achievementin art direction for his dramatic thriller,Trine Carin Tynes,rådgiver Sjøfartsdirektoratet,advisor, the Norwegian Maritime Directorate«Sweeney Todd - The Demon Barberof Fleet Street», starring AcademyAward nominee Johnny Depp asBenjamin Barker, a man unjustly imprisonedfor 15 years, who escapes back toLondon with a vow of revenge. Adoptingthe guise of Sweeney Todd, Barkerreturns to his old barber shop aboveMrs. Lovett’s (Helena Bonham Carter)pie-making premises, and sets his sightson Judge Turpin (Alan Rickman) whoshipped him off. But when a rival barberthreatens to expose his real identity,Todd kills him by cutting his throat.Not knowing what to do with the body,Mrs. Lovett sees this crisis as a potentialsolution to her ailing business —and suggests using the murdered rivalas the filling for her pies.BEST SERVED COLD. The evil Judge Turpin (Alan Rickman) finally gets hisdue by Sweeney Todd ( Johnny Depp) – The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.FOTO: PARAMOUNT PICTURE

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