Unikum desember 2019

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Dear SiA,

Your Ovens Suck




I love SiA as much as one can love any Landlord. They

generally give good service, but I still have to pay for not

freezing to death, which seems like something we should

not have to do…

But this article is not about housing rights, but about their

god-damned ovens!

Because I have beef (heh) with their ovens. Yes, they generally

get the job done, and it IS nice that they have this

alarm-system-thing that shuts the oven off after a certain

amount of time. Keeps you from burning down the

apartment by accident, which for the very distracted and

forgetful person I am is a nice thing. But does it have to be

on such a bloody short timer?

It is incredibly annoying to hear those annoying beeps

that tell you to push the annoying “snooze button” every

annoying 15 minutes. Practically makes it impossible to

slow cook anything. Not that I have ever slow-cooked

anything in my entire life – but it would be nice to have

the hypothetical possibility of potentially maybe slow-cooking

something sometime. Without having to run backand-forth

30 times to push a stupid button. I would have

at least appreciated a dial to adjust the time between each

push of the button, so you have the freedom to take an

extended shit or something while something is cooking

on low heat. Even the ones provided for handicapped

tenants, for whom continuously pushing the button can

be a literal pain, only goes to like 30 minutes. That seems

like a horrendous oversight.

Also, the ovens do not show which plates are hot. Some of

them do have that little red light that tells you that one or

more of the plates are hot and potentially dangerous, but

if you want to know which one, you would have to either

hover your hand above each plate to find out or play a

game of Russian roulette with your hand by touching each

plate so you can be certain. I have lost count of how many

times I or my friends have melted spatulas or grocery

bags or accidentally set things on fire because we forgot

which plate was warm.

Or maybe we are just idiots for fucking up like this? Well,

probably. But if the point of the electricity-to-oven-off-unless-you-push-a-button-every-15-minutes

is to idiot-proof

the thing, then should you not go all the way and show

us which of the plates will attempt to hurt us? Half-way

Idiot-proofing kinda defeats its intended purpose, does it


And while we are on the subject of ovens, why are they

always white these days? So boring! I would like some colour.

And yes, I understand there are hygiene reasons for

the white colour, but stick to light ones, such as green, and

we should be fine! Or pink. Dammit, now I want a pink

oven to gay up my kitchen.




Studenter er fattige. Enten det eller så jobber de så mye at det går

utover studiene. Vi snakket med Erna Solberg om hvorfor.

- Deres fattigdom er strategisk politikk for å få dere ut i jobb, sier hun.

Men Erna, studiene våre er jo ment som nettopp

et strategisk grep for å komme ut i jobb?

- Ja, men hvis det er for godt å studere, kommer dere til å studere for alltid.

Studenter sliter overveldende med mental helse. 41%

har en bekymringsverdig forhold til alkohol...

- Og hvordan har de råd til alkohol?

Hvordan har uteliggere råd til narkotika?

- Sammenlikner du studenter med uteliggere?

Ja, hva er forresten trikset ditt for å hjelpe uteliggere å få et sted å bo?

- Bøter.


- Ja, for å motivere dem til å skaffe seg et hjem!

Men dere gav jo skatteletter til de rikeste i starten av din første regjeringsperiode.

Kan det ikke tenkes at å gi studenter litt mer hadde

redusert de mentale plagene og videre redusert alkoholbruken?

- Nei, det tror jeg ikke.

Så hvorfor gav du skatteletter til de rike?

- Fordi skatteletter gjør at folk investerer mer og blir

mer motivert til å starte opp nye bedrifter.

What? Men med tanke på alt du har sagt til nå, ville ikke det beste vært å ta

alle pengene deres, i følge din logikk? Hvis målet var å motivere dem altså?

- Nei, rike folk motiveres av å få mer penger og fattige folk motiveres av å få mindre.

Okaaaaay. Kun 28,7% av studentene ville stemt på et

av de fire regjeringspartiene hvis valget var i morgen.

Hva har du tenkt å gjøre for å få opp de tallene?

- Vi har vurdert flere tiltak og vil ta en helhetlig vurdering innen kort tid.

Mange forslag er på bordet. Kutt i stipend, eksamensavgift, moms på nudler,

kriminalisering av studentrabatt eller nedlegging av alle universiteter og

høyskoler, mens Venstre har foreslått gratis lykkepiller til studenter og KrF

kjemper for høyere stipend for unge barnefamilier. FrP støtter oss i alle forslagene,

men i så fall krever de billigere alkohol for etnisk norske studenter.


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