A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

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ViburnumPoTAT, T. Aralia javanica Miq.PotIan, T. Eugenia.98PoToc. Cyperus.PoTOCAN, T. Physalis peruviana L.Pot6c-potocan, T. Physalis peruviana L.Pot6t, V. Cocos nucifera Linn.PototAn, T. Bruguiera ritchieii Merrill.PoTOTAN, V. Ceriops candolleana Arn.PoTOTAN. Rhizophora mucronata Lam.PoTJGSO, Pamp. Jasniinum sambac Ait.PuAS. Harpullia blancoi Vidal.PucoPUCOT, v., Pamp. Trichosan<strong>the</strong>s anguina L.PugAhan, T. Caryota cumingii Mart.PugAhan, T. Arenga saccliarifera Lab.PugAhan, T. Caryota urens L.PtJGANG, V. Dioscorea.PugAuy. Decaspermum?.PuigapuigAhan, T. Arthrophyllum.PulAng-balAt. Eugenia.PulAt, T. Linociera coriacea Vid.?PulAt. Barringtonia raeemosa Blume.PulayAgan. Bursera javanica Baill.PtJLUG (Zamboanga). Kibara coriacea Perk.PungApung, v., T. Amorpliophallus campanulatus Blume.Puntas-puntAs, T. Ipomoea paniculata R. Br.PuQUfNGANG, T. ('liitoria ternatea L.PubA, B. Saurauja.PuRfQUET, II. Pisonia aculeata L.Puso-PtJSO, T. Litsea chinensis Lam.Puso-PTJSO (Mindoro). Buclianania florida Schauer.Puso-PtJSO, T.Eugenia.Puso-PtJso (Tayabas). Agrotistacliys maesoana Vidal.Puso-PtJSO (Marinduque) . Quercus castellaranauiana Vidal.PutAd, T. Barringtonia raeemosa Blume.PutAt, T. Barringtonia raeemosa Blume.PUTENG, T. Linociera.PuTfAN, T. Eugenia.PuTPtJTAY, B. Ehretia buxifolia Roxb.PutucAn, T. Hibiscvis abelmoschus L.PuTtJD (Nueva-Viscaya) . luzonicum Rolfe.QuETQUliT, Jg. Deutzia pulchra Vidal.QuiApo, T. Pistia stratiotes L.QuiAQufA, Z. Pometia.QuibAl, T. Vigna catjang Endl.QutbAl, T. Dolichos.QuilAa, V. Cordyline.

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