A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

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181R. CONJUGATA L. Bivcauan lalaqui, T. ; ToiTgog, V.R. MUCRONATA Lam. Bacao, T. V. ; Bacauan, T. ; Ooiigon, II. ; Paracan,II.; Pelotanj Pototan; Tangdl, T.; Tigasan.Rhodamnia GLABRA Vidal. (Myrtacece.) Small tree or shrub.Gas-giis, V. ; Guis-guis, T.Rhododendron rosmarinifolium Vidal. {Ericacece.) Small shrubs, foundon <strong>the</strong> higher mountains.Vicblqui, Ig. -R. VERTiciLLATUM Vidal. Lopong, Ig.RiciNUS COMMUNIS L. {Euphorbiaccce.) The castor oil <strong>plant</strong>.Lansina, T. ; Lingaslna, T. ; TaiTgan-tiingan, T., II. ; Tavatavangsina,II. ; Tawatawasinga, II.Rosmarinus <strong>of</strong>ficinalis Linn. {Lahiutea\) The' rosemary, introducedfrom Europe, cultivated and (?) spontaneous.Romero, Sp.ROTTBOELLiA MURicATA Retz. (Gramined'.) Stout coarse grass.Timsm, T.RouREA. ( Connaraoece. ) Trees or shrubs, sometimes scandent, with oddpinnate leaves and axillary paniculate inflorescence.Ibaiban, T.R. HETEROPHYLLA Plancli. A scandeut shrub with small white flowers andred capsules.Camagsa, T. ; Camagsa taguilis, T. ; Camiiniin, T. ; Guicos guicos, T.Gurayacan, T. ; Hanmababao, T., V., Pamp. ; Magtabig, V., Pamp.Mavindato, V., Pamp. ; Palosanto, T. ; Ungdli-na-pula, V., Pamp.R. MULTiTFLORA Plancli. Malacaliuc, T.RuBUS. {Rosacea}.) The raspberry. Several species are found in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong>s; berries usiuilly ra<strong>the</strong>r tasteless.Sabnet, T.; Sapnit, T.E,. GLOMERATUS Blume. DagSmit, V.; Sapinit, V.R. PARViFLORUS L. Daguiuot, V.R. Ros.EFOLius Smith. Sagmit, T. ; Sapfnit, T.RuTA GRAVEOLENS L. {Rutacea'.) A strong-smelling herb, cultivated.Dfira, V.Ryparosa LONGiPEDUNCULATA. {Euphorbiacea'.) BuiTganon (Tinago).Sacciiarum <strong>of</strong>ficinarum L. (Graininca:) Tiic sugar cane.Agbo, Gag. ; Cana-dfllce, Sp. ;Quilala, V. ; Tubo, T.Saccolabium. (Orchidaccw.) Epipyhtic orchids.Manflgo, V.Saccopetalum. (Anonacece.) Trees.Calabuyo, T.S. longipes Vidal. DaiTglfie, T. : Lanntan, T.Sageretia. [Rhamnacew.) Shrubs with rigid or scandent branches andvery small sessileAdadlnco ( Benguet )flowers.

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