A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

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132Calotropis gigantea R. Br. {Asclepiadacecc.) A shrub or tree, flowersmedium, in cymes.Capol-capol, T.Calyptrocalyx spicatus Blume. {Palmce.) BaiTga, V.; Bahi, V.Cananga odorata Hook. f. et Th. {Anonacea'.) A tree very common in<strong>the</strong> vicinity <strong>of</strong> towns; <strong>the</strong> flowers yield a valuable perfume.AiTgilang (Jolo) ; Alang-ilang, T. ; flang-Ilang, T., V., II.Canarium. (Burseracece.) Large trees, many species being found in <strong>the</strong><strong>Philippine</strong>s, several species being <strong>of</strong> special importance as <strong>the</strong>yyield <strong>the</strong> odorous gum known locally as "brea," which in commerceis known as Manila elemi.Adiias, T. ; Anagalti: Antong (Abra) ; Anangi, T. ; Basiac, T. ; Basiad(Tayabas) ; Bait; Bulao, T. ; Caton-maching (Zamboanga) ; Fesa,T. ; Hagushtis, B. ; Jatsahengum, T. ; Malatagun, B. ; MayacySt, B.Malacalantas, B.; Mili-pili, V.; Malapilanay, B. ; Pasaingin, T.Palsanguinguin, T. ; Pachaingan, T.; Palsanhingufn, T. ; Pilaui, T.Salung (Paragua) ; Tibang, Z. ; Zaleng, V. •C. COMMUNE L. A source <strong>of</strong> elemi.Pili-pilauay, T.C. CUMINGII Engl. Alagatli, T. ; Anagatli, T. ; Anten, II.; BaeSyan, V.;Palsahinhim, T.C. LUZONICLM Miq. This species yields most <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> elemi exported fromManila, and is locally known as "Brea blanca."Anten, II.; Belis, T.; Pagsaingain, T. ; Pilani, T. ; Pinali : Pili, T.;Pisa, T.C. MULTiPiNNATUM Llanos. SSlong, V.C. OVATUM Engl. Aten; Pili, V., T.Canavalia ensiformis DC. (Leguminosece.) A twining glabrous perennialor biennial.Magtambocao (Leyte) ; Pataning-diigat, T.C. OBTUSIFOLIA DC. A prostrate vine with purple flowers and ra<strong>the</strong>rlarge hard seeds, common on sandy sea shores.Palang-paiang, V.Canna indica Linn. {Scitiminece.) Erect herbaceous, with showy redflowers, growing wild; and commonly cultivated for ornament. Thecanna.Balunsayfng, V.; Colintasan, V.; Cacuerttlsan, T. ; Cuintas-cuintSsan,T. ; Saguing-saguing, V.; Ticas, T. ; TiCas-ticas, T. ; Tiquis-tiquis, T.Tflcas-tflcas; TapurdiTga, V.Canscora diffusa R. Br. {Gentianacece.) An annual dichotomouslybranched herb, with quadrangular stems and rose-colored flowers.Cobamba, T.Canthium. [Ruhiacew.) Usually spinous shrubs or small trees, withsmall whitish or greenish flowers.Cflling-manoc, V.; Tamauyan-pula (Tayabas); Tiroron, B.C. arboreum Vidal. Malatadiang (Morong).C. CONFERTiM Korth. Dflig, II.; Malapatopat, T.C. HORRiDUM Blume. Culiac-daga.

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