A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

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170N.Naravelia. (Ranunciilacea\) Climbing shrubs with flowers in axillary1-flowered peduncles.Cauad cauasan, T. ; 6vai-na-paiiglao, II. ; Parapit-haiigin, T.M. LAURIFOLIA Wall. Banai-bilnai, II., T. ; Ductung-ahas, T.Nauclea. (Rubiacea\) Shrubs or trees with white flowers in a dense globoseinflorescence.Bagarilao na itim, T. ; Bancal, T. ; Bancalanan, (Zamboanga) ; Bangal,T. ; Hanibabai, V. ; Himbabalob, T. ; Hambalod, T., V. ; Hambabayod,V. ; Lisac, T. ; Magarilao, T. ; Oisac, T.N. BLANCOI Vidal. Mambog, B.N. GLABERRiMA Blanco. Bangct'il.N. GLABRA DC. Bagallrat.N. OBTUSA Blume. Ambabalud, V.; Ambaiod, T., V.: Babalod, T., V.;Balod, T., V. ; Hambabalod, T., V.N. PURPUREA Roxb. Caluntliigan-nga-itfm, V. ; Caluntliigan-nga-mulato, V.Neesia altissima Blume. [Malvacew.) A l<strong>of</strong>ty tree.Libato-na-putI, T.Nelitris. {Ruhiacece.) Alungcagay, V.; Granates, T. ; Malatumbaga, T.Nelumbium speciosum Willd. (Nympheacece.) An erect, large water herbwith peltate leaves and white or pink flowers.Baino, T. ; Bayno, T. ; Sdcao, II.Nepen<strong>the</strong>s. [Nepenthacece.) Usually climbing <strong>plant</strong>s, <strong>the</strong> midrib <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>leaves produced into a peduncle which bears a pitcher <strong>of</strong> variousforms.Aran-cfllao, V.; Caca, T.; Inflmang-calo, T.; Jarrfto, T. ; Pich6l, T.N. ALATA Blanco. Batbatidor, Ig. ; Batidor, II. ; Cadting, Ig. ; Gorgor^ta,II. ;Jarro, II.N. GRACILIS Korth. Sogonsogon, V.; SuludsQlud, V.N. ventricosa Blanco. Saludsalfld.Nephelium. (Sapindacecc.) Trees, some species valued for <strong>the</strong>ir timber.Apatong, T. ; Ayfipag, T. ; Bacalao, Pang. ; Sambuaiau, V.N. GLABRUM Noronh. Allpai, T; Alipay; Alpay, T. ; Alfipag, T. ; Alflpay;Baecalao ; Boboa, V. ; Guislan, T. ; Guislhan, T. ; Lechlas, T. ; TinaiiTguI,T.N. LITCHI Camb. Fruit edible.Halopag-amo (Tayabas) ; Lechla.N. LONGANA Camb. Alfpai, T. ; Alpai, T. ; Alflpag, T. ; Alfipai, T. ; Lechlas,T.NicotianA tabacum L. {Solanacecc.) Tobacco. Introduced from America.Tabaco, Sp. Fil.NiPA FRUCTiCANS VVurmb. {Palm a.) The leaves <strong>of</strong> this species are extensivelyused for <strong>the</strong> purpose <strong>of</strong> thatching houses.Lasa ; Nipa, T. ; Saga, Z. ; Sasa, T. ; Tata, Cag.Nymph/EA lotus L. {Nympheacece.) Large equatic herbs, <strong>the</strong> pond lilies.Gavai-gavai, V., T., Pamp. ; Gaway-gaway; Lavas, T., V., Pamp.Lflnas ; Talaflo, T., V., Pamp. ; Tflnas, T., V., Pamp. ; Talaylo.N. stellata Willd. Lauas, T.

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