A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

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71Languis. Sesanium inclicum L.Lanigda, B., V. Cedrela toona Roxb.Lanigpa, V. Cedrela toona Eoxb.Laxinguing, T. Ficus cuniingii Miq.Lajs'ipga, v., B. Cedrela toona Roxb.Laniti, T. Wrightia ovata A. DC.Lanogo, V. Pandaniis sylvestris Riiniph.Lanot, V. Musa textilis Nees. var.Lanotan, T. Hibiscus giewiaefolius Hassk.LanotaNj'V. Musa textilis Nees. var.Lanotan, T. Goniothalamus, and o<strong>the</strong>r arborescent species <strong>of</strong> Anonaceae.Lanotang-itim, T. Phaeantluis nutans Hook. f. and Th.Lanotan-itim. Hibiscus.Lanoti, T. Zizyphus triuervis Poir.Lansina, T. Rieinus communis L.Lansone, T. Lansium domesticuni Runiph.Lansones, T. Lansium domesticuni Jack.Lanta. T., v., PamiJ. Anamirta cocculus W. and A.Lantin, T. Plantago erosa Wall.Lantundal. Musa paradisiaca L.LantTtsi, Cag. ^^'rightia ovata A. DC.LANtJTAN, T.Lanutan, T.Lanutan, T.Saccopetalum longipes Vidal, and o<strong>the</strong>r species <strong>of</strong> Anonoceae.Thespesia campylosiphon Rolfe.Xylopia dehiscens Merrill.LANtJTAN-iTfM. Phaeanthus nutans H. f. and T.LANtJTAN-PUTi. Goniothalamus giganteus Hook. f. and Th.LANtJTi, II. Wrightia ovata A. DC.Lanzon. Lansium domesticuni Jack.Laocpao, Cag. Vernonia arborea Ham.Lapnei, Zamb. Calamus albus Pers.LapnIs, C. Boehmeria nivea. H. and A.Lapnis. Malachra bracteata Cav.LapnIs na bolohan, T. Malachra bracteata Cav.Lapo-lapo, II. Gyrocarpus jacquini Roxb.Lapoxaya, V. Coleus acuminatus Benth.Laquis-laqi'is. Acanthus ilicifolious L.Lara. Capsicum minimum Roxb.Laroan-anIto, T. Clerodendron intermedium Cliam.Lasa. Nipa fructicans Wurmb.Lasalia. Wendlandia luzonensis DC.Lasgas, B. Villaria philipinensis Rolfe.Lasngatox, T.. V. Laportea gaudichaudiana Wedd.Laso, V. Allium sativum Linn.Lasoxa, H. Allium cepa Linn.Laston, V. Vigna catjang Endl.Lasuxa, T. Allium cepa L.Lauaan, T., V. Anisoptera thurifera Blume.Lauan-na-pula, T. Vatica.

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