A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

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169MuBBAYA EXOTICA L. (Rutacew.) A shrub or small tree with glabrous 3to 8 foliate leaves and small globose berries.BanaSsi, 11. ; BanSot, Z. ; Banasi, Pang. ; Banati, V., Pamp. ; Bannaasi,11. ; Camuning, T. ; Camunin, V., Pamp. ; Molauin, T. ; Moldvin,T.MuSA. (Musacece.) The bananas, <strong>plant</strong>ains, Manila hemp, etc.Agfltay, v.; Alatdnay (Cagayan) ; Aua, 11.; Batabia, nga poti, V.Bfly, 11. ; Canala, V. ; Canara, V., T. ; Culubting, Pamp. ; Lisohan, V.Paeol, V. ;Quilala, V.M. PARADisiACA L. The <strong>plant</strong>ain. Many varieties are recognized by <strong>the</strong>natives.Afapfiyan, (Cagayan) ; Afuyan, (Cagayan) ; Alimuquen, 11.; Anuang,T.; Aricundai, V.; Aricimdal, V.; Baloi, V.; Baloy, T. ; Binalaton,V. ; Bingticohol, T. ; Bisco, T. ; Botohan, T. ; Bungulan, T. ; Caracton,V. ; Dalivi-dalaga ; Dinuguan, T. ; Goyoran, T. ; Lantundal ; MachinMatavia, T. ; Platano, Sp. ;QuinanSyan, T. ; Sabang-visaya ; Saguing,T. ; Tinalong, T.M. SAPiENTUM L. The banana. Many varieties are recognized by <strong>the</strong> natives.Probably not specifically distinct from <strong>the</strong> preceding.Ampal, V. ; Anonoo ; Anuang ; Carnitte, V. ; Balangun, V. ; Balayang,11.; Batavia; Benticohol, T. ; Binato, V.; Botoan, T. ; Bunnee, II.;Butngg, 11. ; Butneng, 11. ; Butfian, T. ; Dinugflan ; Lacatan, T.Moco, (lloilo) ; PampSng, V.; Platano, Sp. ; Saba, 11.; Sfiging, T.,V. ; Tampuhing, T ; Tarnate, V.M. TEXTiLis Nees. The <strong>plant</strong> that produces <strong>the</strong> fiber known in commerceas Manila hemp.Abaca, T., v.; Lanot, V.; Lanotan, V.; Pagua, V.; tJtta (Cag.).MusSAENDA. (Rubiacece.) Shrubs with yellow flowers, each flower with alarge white leaf-like bract.Bayag usa ; Bota, Ig. ; Buyor, V. ; Talic-harap, ( Tayabas ) ; TinulQangatas,T. ; Tenoluang gStos, T.M. ANISOPHYLLA Vidal. BCiyon, V.M. FRONDOSA L. Buladac-nang-dalaga ; Matinggaln.M. GBANDiFLORA Rolfe. Agboy, v.; Balai-lamoc, II.; Buy6n (Balabac) ;Cahoy dalSga, T. ; Malacaf6 (?), V.; Matang-dran, V.; Taba-tabS,V. ; Tinga-tlnga, T.Mybistica. (Myristicacece.) Trees generally with hard wood. The nutmegbelongs in this genus.Alanlgni (Zamboanga) ; BanabanAlo, T. ; Bitanhol-na-babae, B.Carflgu, T., V.; Dugoan, B. ; Durflgu, T., V.; Hindurfigu, T. V.;Laho, V. ; Malacadios ; Oylsan, T. ; Oyoc, Ig. ; Saguing-nang-calao,B.; Tambao, T. ; Ubian (Tarlac).M. CUMINGII Warb. Dugflan, T. ; Malatalang, T.M. GUATTERIIFOLIA A. DC. Camas, (Zamboanga) ;Talang-bund6c, T. ; Ttigan,T.M. MiNDANAENSis Warb. Duhao, (Zamboanga).M. PHILIPPINENSIS Lam. Anis cahoi, T. ; Anfs moscada, T. ; BalintGa,(Zamboanga); Dugfian ; Talang-talang, T.M. simiabum a. DC. Anflping, (Zamboanga) ; Manumbaga, (Zamboanga).

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