A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

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127A. ESCULENTUM Piesl. Yoving stems and leaves much used for food by <strong>the</strong>natives.Pace, T.AsTRONiA. (Melastomacew.) Shrubs or small trees.Bagallguan, B. ; Col^ngay, T. ; Dagallguan, V. ; Dongao, T. ; Donhao, T.DuiTgSo, T.A. CALYCINA Vidal. Ttinan-timan, B. ; Tfinay-tunay, V.A. CUMINGIANA Vidal. Halentihinao, V.A. MACROPHYLLA Blume. Biiyo-buyo, B.A. PULCHRA Vidal. Dita-dlta (Camarines).A. ROLFEi Vidal. Alintutunas; Toiignao-tongnao, B.; Tognao-tognao, B.Atalantia. {Rutacece.) Small trees.Camuning, T. ; Dayap-day&pat, T.A. MONOPHYLLA Correa. Dftyap-na-monti, T. ; Magca-bugao, V.A. NITIDA Oliv. Malabac, V.; MalarSyat.AvERRHOA BiLiMBi L. (Gerantucea'.) Tree, cultivated for its edible acidfruits, which have rounded lobes.Calamias, T.; CiliiTg-Iwa, V.; Camlas, T.; Colonauas, T.; fba, V.; Bias,II.; Quilihglva, V.A. CARAMBOLA L. Fruit similar to that <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> preceding species, but <strong>the</strong>lobes angular.Bilimbines ; Balimbin, T. ; Bilimbin, T. ; Balimbing, T. ; BaliiTgblng, V.Garangan, V.AviCENNiA OFFICINALIS L. ( Verbenacecv. ) A shrub or a small tree growingin wet soil along <strong>the</strong> sea shore, with small yellow flowers. The barkis used in dyeing.Apiapi, T.; Buiigalon, T., V.; Bungfilu, T.; Caluplnes, Z. ; Calapini, T.;Miapi, T., V. ; Pipisic, T. ; PiSpi, T., V.AziMA NOVA Blanco. ( Salvadoracew. ) A shrub.Casnut-cabag, T. ; Cfimut-cabag, T.B.Bambusa. {Graminece.) "Bamboo." Several genera and many species <strong>of</strong>bamboo are found in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Philippine</strong>s.Anas, Pamp.; Anos; Bafto, T. ; Boho, T. ; Bocavi, T. ; Calbang, T.;Cafia, Sp. ; Cauilyan-pana ;Quiling, T.; Tainanac; Taguisi, T.tJsiu, T.B. ARUNDINACE^ Rctz. Cauayang-totoo, T.B. BLANCOI Steud. TaiuSnac, T.B. BLUMEANA R. and S. CauSyan-tinfc; Caufiyan-guid, V.; CauSyan-tobo.B. DIFFUSA Blanco. Bocaui, T.; 6siu, T.B. LAEVis Blanco. CauSyang-boo, T.B. LONGiNODis Miq. Cauayan-finos.B. LUMANPAO Blanco. Lumfinpao, T.B. LUZONiCA Munro. Cauriyan-ballcao, T.B. MONOGYNA Blanco. CauAyang-quilfng, T.

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