A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

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163L. EUEGANS Mart. AnShao, T.L. SPECTABiLis Miq. Anahao, T., V.LiLiUM PHiLiPPiNENSE Baker. (LiliacecB.) A lily with large white flowersfound in <strong>the</strong> mountains <strong>of</strong> Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Luzon.Caiion, II.; Soyosoy, Ig.Limnan<strong>the</strong>Mum cristatum Griseb. {Gentianacew.) An aquatic herb withlong floating stems.Lauas, T. ; Loloqulsen, II.LiMNOPHlLA GBATIOLOIDES R. Br. (8oroj)hulariacecc.) A small lierbaceous<strong>plant</strong> found in swamps and rice paddies. It has <strong>the</strong> odor <strong>of</strong>turpentine.Inata, T.L. MENTHASTRUM Benth. Talatala, Pamp. ; TaramhanipSm, T. ; Taratara, II.L. REPENS Benth. Oregano, Sp. Fil.L. ROXBURGH G. Don. Tala, T.LiMNOPHYTON OBTUSIFOLIUM Miq. (AUsmucece.) An erect succulent marsh<strong>plant</strong>.Locay?, T.LiNOCiERA. (Oleacecc.) Shrubs or tiees with opposite entire leaves andaxillary or terminal inflorescence.Baloc-baloc, T.; Carocsan, T.; Cayantol, Z.; DalSyat, Z.; Put€ng, T.;Urutan, T.L. CORIACEA Vidal. Anfitao, T.; Pulat, T.L. cuiiiNGiANA Vidal. Culillsiao (Tayabas).L. LUZONiCA F. Vill. Caropsan; Gurugiianabao, V.LiPPiA NODIFLORA Rich. (Verbenaccw.) An annual, creeping, muchbranchedherb with numerous heads <strong>of</strong> pink flowers.ChachachachShan, T. ; Corocarcudan, V. ; Sirlc-piiyo, V. ; Tsatsatsatsahan,T.LiTSEA. (Lauraeece.) Trees, some species being valuable for <strong>the</strong>ir timber.Anonag, T.; Arana, B.; Bacan, T.; Batino, T.; Batobato, T., V.; Bitocolfng,T. ; Calaftic, Mang. ; Calambae, V. ; Hopong-hopong ; Libacan,T.; Magullic, Z.; Malabilucas, T. ; Malacalubeiib, T. ; Malamanga,Gag.; Malapflso, B.; Malasico, T. ; Maraculan, II.; Marang, T.Nolalaqui, T.; 6pong-6pong, B. ; Paimafbai, T. ; Paloaf. B. : Pasasabltlt,II.; Pauhan (Mindoro) ; Saripongpong, B.L. ALBAYANA Vidal. Arahan (Albay).L. CHiNENSis Lam. Lauat, V.; Pusopflso, T. ; Sabldt, II.L. QABCiAE Vidal. Plpi, V.L. LUZONICA Blanco. Balfbay.L. MAGNiFiCA B. and H. Madang, T.L. PERROTTETii B. and H. Indang, V.; Baticulln, T. ; Baticuling, T.LiviSTONA. [Palmce.) Anahao, T., V.L. PAPUANA Becc. Anao, Pamp.; Bolong iGyoiTg, Pamp.L. ROTUNDIFOLIA Mart. Abian, Pang.; Anaao, II.; Anahao, T. ; Anan, Gag.;Bahi, v.; Ballang, Gag.; Labig, II.; Labindanaia ?, 11.; Palmabrava.

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