A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

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66Hauli? (Jolo). Cyanotis axillaris Room, and Schult.Hawili, T. Ficus.Haya-haya, V. Buddlcia neemda Harailt.Hayoc (Tayabas). Vitis lanceolaria Roxb.Hayopag, T. Quercus llanosii A. DC.Hebong, Mang. Aglaia.HiBioc, Vis. Arenga saccharifera Lab.HiCAMAS, T. Pachyrhyziis angulatus Rich.HiDioc, V. Arenga saccharifera Lab.HiERBA DE San Pedro, Sp. Phyllanthns niruri Muell. Arg.HiGANTOiVG, V. Clerodendron fragrans Vent.HiGOTBALATO, T., V., Pamp. Sida carpinifolia L.HiGUis-MANOC?, T. Eclipta alba Hassk.HiLALAY'ON. Heliotropium indicuni L.HiMAG, V. Iponioea paniculata R. Br.HiiMAMAO, T. Chisocheton.Hi.MAMAO, T. Dysoxylum blancoi Vidal.HiMBABALOB, T. Nauclea.HiMBABAO, Pamp., V. Excoecaria agallocha L.HiMBABAO, T. Allaeanthus luzonicus Benth. and Hook.HiMPAPARAY', V. Melochia indica A. Gray.HiMPAPARA, V. Cissampelos pereira Linn.Himpas-lagbAlang. Smilax divaricata Blanco.HiMULAO, V. Clausena willdenovii W. and A.HiNAGDtJNG, V. Trema aspera Bhnne.HiMARAMAY, V. Pipturvis asper Wedd.HiNDALAMAl, V. Pipturus asper Wedd.HiNDURUGU, T.. V. Myristica.HiNGASiN, V. Derris uliginosa Benth.HiNGASiNAN, V. Derris uliginosa Benth.HiNGONGOTO, T. Bridelia stipularis Blume.Hingue-calabo, T. "Beaumontia.HiNGrEN, T. Malasia tortuosa Blanco.HiNCiuio, T. Ichnocarpns frutescens R. Br.Hinguion. Monochoria vaginalis Presl.Himlalay-6n, T. Heliotropinm indicvun L.HiNTAN. Terniinalia catappa L.HiNTiPALO, T. Drosera indica L.HiNTOTOOR, T. Crudia blancoi Rolfe.HiPGi'i, V. Ichnocarpns ovatifolius A. DC.HfpoN-iiiPON, V. Vcrnonia chinensis Less.HfTAM, V. Terminalia catappa L.Hoag, V. Flagellaria indica Linn.Ho.TA CRi;z, Sp. Crescentia alata 11. B. K.HoJAS UE BUYO. Piper betle L.Haligancja, T. ITynicnodictyon.Holog, V. Rhaphidopliora.Hol6g-nga-isa. A'. Pothos cylindiicns Presl.

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