A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

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39BtJNTOT-PUSA, T. Setaiia glauea Beauv.BuNTUT-usA, T. Helicteris spicata Colinb.BuNUAY (Bontoc). Vaccinium indutum Vidal.BuNtJGAN?, Cag. Calamus ihomboideus Blunie.BuQUiNGAN, T. Gomphrena globosa L.BuRl, T. Coiypha uinbraculifera L.BusAix, T. Biuguiera caryophylloides Bliinie.BuSAiN (Leyte). Pteiocyiiibiuni javaniouin R. Br.BusAix, V. Sterculia.Busf?, Cag. Calamus rboiiiboideus Blume.BusfLAC, T. Amoora.BusiLAc, T. Alchornea blumeana Muell. Arg.BusiLAo, T. Aglaia minutiflora Bedd.BusfLi, Pang. Diospyros.BusiM. Biuguiera.BusLiG, II. Eleocharis.BuTA, T. Excoecaria agallocha L.BuTABUTA, T., Pamp. Excoecaria agallocha L.BtJTANG-GtJBAT, T. Homalanthus.BtJtao, B.Ardisia humilis Vahl.BtJTiNG. Phaseolus vulgaris L.BuTiNGA, T. Phaseolus vulgaris L.BuTiNGUi. Vigna.Bl'tn^g, II. Musa sapientum L. var.BuTNfiNG^ II. Musa sapientum L. var.BUTO-BUTO, V. Cerbera odollam Gaertn.BtJTO-BUTONis, V. Phyllanthus.BuTO-BiTONiSAN, T. Euphorbia atoto Forst.BtJTONG, V. Dendrocalamus.BtJTONG, V. Pongamia glabra Vent.BtJTOXG, V. Derris sinuata Benth.BuTONC, V. Milletia pulchra Benth.BuTONG-MANOC, V. Cyclostcmon.BuTtJAN, T. Musa sapientum L.BuTULAN (Tayabas). Fluggea obovata Wall.BuTtJNG-MANOC, B. Hydnocarpus heterophylla Blume.BtJY, II. Musa.BtJYAG, T. Citrus medica L.BuYAYAVA, V. Euphorbia pilulifera L.BuYEN (Balabac). Mussaenda grandiflora Rolfe.BtJYO, v., T. Piper betle L.BtJYO-BUYO, B.Astronia macrophylla Blume.BuYO-Bt'iYO (Albay). Piper caninum A. Dietr.BtJYO-BtJYO. Trichosan<strong>the</strong>s amara L.Buy6c-buy6c, 11. Ehretia buxifolia Roxb.Buy6c-buy6c, T. Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng.BtJYO IT AMO, V.BtJYO IT AYAM, V.Piper caninum A. Deitr.Piper caninum A. Dietr.

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