A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine ... - Rainforestation

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ALfPAi, T.15Nephelium longana Camb.Alipai, T. Xeplu'liuiii glabrmn Noroiih.Alipauo, T. Sunibavia rottleroides Baill.Alipasiao, B. Villebrunea.Alipata, V. Excoecaria agallocha L.Alipata, T. Dodonaea viscosa Linn.Alipayo, V. Homalomena.AiJPAY. Nephelium glabruni Noronh.Alipayong, V. Homalomena.Alipoong, V. Pavetta angustifolia R. and S.Alipoong, V. Ixora lanceolaria Coleb.ALfpuNG, T. Gmelina.Alitaptap, B. Planchonia.Alm^ndro, Sp.-Fil. Terminalia catappa L.Almez. Celtis philippinensis Blanco.Alobahai, T. Pi<strong>the</strong>colobium lobatum Bentli.Alocan, 11. Allaeanthus luzonicus Benth et Hook.Alocasoc, V. Clerodendron intermedium Cham.Al6dig, H., T. Streblus asper Lour.Alopag. Euphorbia litchi DC.AlpAY, T. Nephelium glabrum Noronh.Alpos6tes, Sp.-Fil. Chenopodium ambrosioides L.ALUBfiiOD, V. Spondias mangifera Wall.ALUBfHON, T. Spondius mangifera Willd.Alugbati, V. Basella rubra L.Aluluan, Cag. Pistia stratiotes Linn.Alum, V. Mallotus ricinoides Muell. Arg.Alung-cagay, V. Decaspermum paniculatum Kurz.Alung-cagay, V. Nelitris.ALtrPAG, T. Nephelium longana Camb.Alupag, T. Nephelium glabrum Noronh.Alupai, T. Nephelium longana Camb.Alupidan, V. Vitis lanceolaria Roxb.Alupihan, T. Muehlenbeckia.ALtJSANG, T. Cyperus.ALUsfMANG, V. Trian<strong>the</strong>ma.Aly6pyop, V. Erian<strong>the</strong>mum bicolor Schrank.AMAfiT, V. Xylosma cumingii Clos.Amaga. Diospyros blancoi DC.Amaga, v., T. Diospyros pilosantliera Blanco.Amaga, V., T. Diospyros discolor Willd.Amamale, V. Leea sambucina Willd.Amamangpang (Albay). Gironniera eel tidifolia Gaud.Amargoso, Sp.-Fil. Momordica balsamina L.Amargoro babi, Pamp. Mollugo.Ambalod, T., V. Nauclea obtusa Blume.AMBABALun, V. Nauclea obtusa Blume.AMBOGUliS. KoordersiodendroH ])iiinatum Merrill.

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