Arab Network Magazine 2021-E-Version

العدد الثامن ابريل 2021م

العدد الثامن ابريل 2021م


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Working Paper

special status for Jerusalem (a

resolution upon which the State

of Israel was established, but later

it repudiated international law

after it partially implemented it

and seized more land than that

allocated to it according to the

partition resolution), Resolution

No. 194 regarding the return and

compensation for refugees, General

Assembly Resolution 3522 of

1967 condemning the Israeli

decision to annex Jerusalem, and

General Assembly Resolution

3236 of 1974 recognizing the right

of Palestinians to decide their

destiny. Further to that, there

were Resolution No. 3379 of 1975

regarding Zionism as a form of

racism and racial discrimination,

Resolution No. 4321 issued in

November 1988 regarding

support for the Uprising and

calling for Israel to end its occupation

of the Palestinian territories,

and the General Assembly resolution

in December 2017 regarding

the rejection of the American

decision to transfer the embassy

to occupied Jerusalem and

confirming the legal status of the

city. There is no room here to

accommodate a review of the

General Assembly resolutions in

support of Palestinian rights and

rejecting Israeli actions and violations,

which amount to about 500


Added to that are the Security

Council resolutions, such as Resolution

242 of 1967, Resolution 338

of 1973, Resolution 478 of 1980

regarding Jerusalem, Resolution

1397 of 2002, Resolution 1402 of

2002 and Resolution 2334 of

2016 regarding Settlement, which

affirmed the illegality of settlement

in the West Bank, including


The International Court of Justice,

as well, issued its famous advisory

opinion in 2004 regarding the

illegality of building the apartheid

wall in the occupied territories, as

it constitutes an actual annexation

process, harms the Palestinians'

right to self-determination

leads to consequent serious violations

of international law. The

Court demanded Israel to remove

the wall, address the damages

resulting therefrom and redress

those affected. The Court also

called on states not to recognize

the new facts entailed by

constructing the wall, considering

non-recognition thereof as an


In addition to the aforementioned

resolution, there are a set of

arrangements, mechanisms and

institutions for Palestine, (such as

the existence of the United

Nations Relief and Works Agency

for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA),

which is an international institution

specialized in providing assistance

and services to Palestinian

refugees, and the Special Rapporteur

for the Occupied Palestinian

Territories, and also the existence

of the seventh item, which is a

permanent item on the Agenda of

the Human Rights Council specifically

created to the Palestinian

issue, as well as the Committee on

the Exercise of the Inalienable

Rights of the Palestinian People

(CEIRPP) formed by General

Assembly Resolution 3376 of


In addition, the systematic Israeli

violations of various aspects of

Palestinian life, which seriously

violate international human rights

law and international humanitarian

law, are appropriately documented

by many Palestinian

human rights institutions and

international non-governmental

institutions, as well as international

organizations. These practices

are usually condemned in the

United Nations bodies, especially

by the General Assembly, the

Human Rights Council, and sometimes

the Security Council.

Many of these violations were

documented by the Special

Rapporteur for the Occupied

Territories, and fact-finding

committees (such as the Goldstone

report on the war on Gaza

in late 2008, the fact-finding

report on the aggression on Gaza

in 2014, and the commission investigating

the events of the 2018

return marches). In addition, the

Office of the United Nations High

Commissioner for Human Rights

in the Occupied Palestinian

Territory is mandated by Human

Rights Council Resolutions S-9/1

and S-12/1 issued in 2009 with a

specific mandate to provide regular

reports on the human rights

situation in the Occupied Palestinian

Territory, including East Jerusalem.

What is the best framework

that the Palestinians

can follow?

International law provides many

frameworks that can be used to

move in the human rights and

legal struggle in the Palestinian

cause. There is the International

law at its various levels (international

humanitarian law, international

human rights law, international

criminal law, general international

law) which provides various

tools that can be used in the

context of confronting the occupation

and pressuring to end it

and holding accountable those

responsible for it.

There are more specific frameworks

that can be particularly

utilized, and each of them has

pros and cons that this article

cannot review. However, the most

50 Arab Network Magazine

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