Arab Network Magazine 2021-E-Version

العدد الثامن ابريل 2021م

العدد الثامن ابريل 2021م


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human rights draws its power

from individual conscious understanding

of such culture which

would be manifested in people

respecting the culture of human

rights, Al-Jammali called for the

urgency to upgrade stages of

compulsory education to include

secondary stage and empower

next generation to confront challengers

and rapid changes of the

age. “We look forward to concluding

this significant meeting

with recommendations that

would contribute to the formation

of a picture of the future of education

by 2050 and we wish that

the ANNHRI and National Institutions

for Human rights would continue

their collaboration with the

AIHR, UNESCO and all stakeholders

to invest in education,” he


For his part, Mr. Abdul Basit Bin

Hassan, President of the AIHR,

stated that the education issue is

a universally comprehensive

matter that the United Nations

and UNESCO have always been

endeavoring to find methods for

its development and improvement

throughout various eras,

especially during the exceptional

circumstances the world is

currently experiencing. Bin

Hassan introduced the International

Commission on the Future

of Education, stating that it consists

of 18 male and female

experts from all over the world

and that it is chaired by H.E. Ms.

Sahle-Work Zewde, President of

the Federal Democratic Republic

of Ethiopia. He explained that the

Commission’s main assignment is

to lead a multi-voiced dialogue,

which is a global conversation

that aims at searching for methods

to foresee the future of education

by 2050. He also said that

the Commission will not limit education

to schools only; rather, it

will work on a number of issues

related to education, such as that

during wars and conflicts, relationship

of education to integration,

discrimination issues and its

relationship to the environment

and modern technology, as well

as a number of education-related

issues. He noted that the Commission

considers education as the

foundation for finding solutions

for world crises and exploring

ways to elevate nations.

President of the AIHR further said

that education is open to all communities,

and it is perceived as a

shared wealth, public interest and

an integral tool used for establishing

the values of freedom, equality

and justice. He stressed in the

same context that education is a

key instrument in the development

of our integrated and

sustainable communities. He

explained that "Education is the

answer to all problems of our

world today, such as violence,

poverty, growing gap between

peoples, individuals and communities,

in addition to current complaints

related to loss of overall

environmental, economic, social

and other balances." Bin Hassan

pointed out that national institutions

for human rights are the

essence of the vision for educational

reform, noting that the

ANNHRI and AIHR are united by a

partnership that has been manifested

on several occasions. He

stated that both sides are concerned

with exploring methods to

develop issues of human rights

education and culture dissemination.

“The ANNHRI has always

been a good supporter to us at

the AIHR when it comes to

defending human rights and finding

solutions for the reformation

of the affairs of our communities,

despite difficulties and complications

related to this type of reformation.

Education has always had

a strong presence every time we

discussed the issue of reformation,

as education is and will

always be a foundation for communities'

revival and sustainable

development building,” he added.

It is worth noting that, in July

2019, UNESCO launched a global

initiative to establish a high-level

international commission to

re-imagine the future of education

by the year 2050. The International

Commission on the

Future of Education is composed

of a group of prominent experts

and opinion makers from various

areas of politics, business, arts,

humanities and civil society. Their

mission is to collectively think

about how education might need

to be reconsidered in an increasingly

complex world and provide

solutions and recommendations

formulated in a major report that

would serve as an agenda for

policy dialogue and action at multiple


8 Arab Network Magazine

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