Arab Network Magazine 2021-E-Version

العدد الثامن ابريل 2021م

العدد الثامن ابريل 2021م


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Activities & Events

necessary precautions and measures

to ensure the safety and security

of Palestinian prisoners.

The campaign included the publication

of a set of posts and

videos on social media focusing

on the conditions of Palestinian

prisoners in Israeli prisons.

The Independent Commission

also plays a role in bridging the

gap between the government and

civil society to work to the maximum

possible capacity and cooperation

in light of facing the crisis.

To this end, it has taken the initiative

to hold an online meeting

between the government, represented

by the Prime Minister on

the one hand, and representatives

of civil society organizations on

the other hand, to discuss the

efforts made by each party and

the mechanisms to improve coordination

and integration between


The Independent Commission for

Human Rights continues its role

as the national human rights

institution in Palestine in promoting

and protecting human rights

in accordance with the Palestinian

Basic Law, national legislation, the

Declaration of Independence, and

international human rights standards,

as this role is required during

the state of emergency more than

ever. The Commission also works

on ensuring that human rights

standards are respected by Palestinian

duty-holders, despite

having a reality that lacks basic

components and human rights

requirements due to the presence

of the occupation and its continuous

violations, as well as a set of

obstacles in light of the continuing

Palestinian political division.

Nevertheless, efforts have not and

will not stop to face all challenges,

preserve human rights and

promote freedoms in Palestine,

even if the matter is difficult.

Arab Network Magazine


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