Arab Network Magazine 2021-E-Version

العدد الثامن ابريل 2021م

العدد الثامن ابريل 2021م


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refugee camps that are overcrowded

with children, women

and the elderly, increase in illegal

immigration, as well as victims of

drowning and human violations.

They also led to a frightening

increase in unemployment rates,

drop out of education, spread of

epidemics and deterioration in


All of these have negatively affected

the achievement of the SDGs

and constitute a major challenge

for national human rights institutions,

international human rights

organizations and civil society

organizations. We are facing a

scene that is getting more and

more complex every day. I do not

wish to draw a dark map of the

world, but from the facts that we

have in our hands, I could say,

"We are facing a blurry future for

the human rights situation in the

world." However, with concerted

efforts, renewed interest and

commitment to the full realization

of economic, social and

cultural rights, as a vital factor for

preserving human existence properly,

effective national human

rights institutions can play this

role which establishes the foundations

for respect and protection

of human rights. Such institutions

can develop policies, processes

and skills to further integrate

these rights into their work and in

the behavior of their societies,

thus enabling them to address

poverty and promote development.

60 Arab Network Magazine

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