Arab Network Magazine 2021-E-Version

العدد الثامن ابريل 2021م

العدد الثامن ابريل 2021م


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Activities & Events

Muscat International Book Fair

explaining the rights of different

groups of society. The Commission,

in addition, responded to

inquiries of visitors related to its

functions, clarified the various

legal aspects related to their

issues, and displayed films that

the Commission had produced

during the past years.

The Commission, in the activities

of the Muscat International Book

Fair for the year 2020, the participated

through specialized work

teams, and a plan that included a

set of activities, events and works

distributed throughout the exhibition


The Commission's work teams

received visitors to the exhibition

through the its standing corner,

distributed the its publications to

introduce human rights, which

clarify the rights of different

groups of society, responded to

visitors’ inquiries related to the

Commission's mandate and clarified

various legal aspects related

to their issues.

28 Arab Network Magazine

Explaining the mission of

the Omani Commission and

its terms of reference to the

visitors of the exhibition

Through the standing corner in

the book fair, the Commission's

work teams clarified its mission,

terms of reference, nature of its

work, its relationship with regional

and international organizations,

means and methods of submitting

communications, and its role

in responding to what foreign

organizations and governments

raise on issues related to human

rights in the Sultanate. The teams

also distributed the annual

reports of the Commission that

provide a summary of what has

happened in the field of human

rights in the Sultanate, where the

Commission had already designated

working groups that included

a number of jurists, employees

from monitoring and receiving

communications, and specialists

in awareness, education and

media. Participation in the book

fair further included the distribution

of the Commission's publications

that comprised brochures,

leaflets, and publications on

knowledge of human rights,

As part of its participation in the

exhibition, the Commission, as

well, held a webinar on the mechanisms

of monitoring and receiving

communications in the Sultanate,

including an explanation of

the nature of its work and its

terms of reference, the development

of the monitoring mechanism

and receiving the communications

it adopts, in addition to

the human rights awareness and

education programs it implements.

The Commission also organized

events for children at the Children's

Theater Corner as part of

cultural activation for the child at

the Muscat International Book

Fair. The functions included a

number of competitions and

activities for children, a coloring

drawing place, in addition to a

reading paragraph from the Commission's

booklets targeting


Issuances and Publications

on Law:

In January 2020, the Oman Commission

for Human Rights issued

the book “Man in the Thought of

the Sultan”, which came in gratitude

to the late Sultan and in

recognition of the march of His

Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Saeed

- may God rest his soul in peacewho

used the bulk of his thought

and effort to serve man and


The book came through different

chapters to document what His

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