Arab Network Magazine 2021-E-Version

العدد الثامن ابريل 2021م

العدد الثامن ابريل 2021م


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Activities & Events

The Oman Human Rights Commission continues its awareness

and education programs

Based on the competence of the

“Oman Human Rights Commission”

to raise awareness and education

of human rights as per

Article No. (7) of its establishment

law; and despite the conditions

witnessed by the Sultanate

Awareness Visits:

due to the Coronavirus (Covid-19)

pandemic; the Commission continued

its awareness and educational

plans in 2020; where it

carried out a set of activities and

actions, taking into account all

the precautionary measures set

by the Sultanate.

The beginning of the year 2020

witnessed awareness and educational

visits carried out by the

Commission's work teams to governmental

institutions and others

belonging to civil society.

Through these visits, and targeting

all segments of society, the

Commission distributed its publications

on human rights and clarified

its vision and mission, some

of its competencies, and the work

it carries out in the field of monitoring

and receiving , in addition

to its role in spreading awareness

and education for human rights.

Distributing publications

targeting all segments of


Arab Network Magazine


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