Arab Network Magazine 2021-E-Version

العدد الثامن ابريل 2021م

العدد الثامن ابريل 2021م


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Activities & Events

Recommendations and notes regarding Draft Law No. 72.18

Law 72.18 pertains to the

system of beneficiaries of

the system of the social

support program and the

creation of the National

Records Agency

On July 10, 2020, the National

Council for Human Rights submitted

to the parliament, in its two

chambers, its recommendations

and notes regarding draft Law No.

72.18 related to the system for

targeting beneficiaries of social

support programs and the creation

of the National Records

Agency. Such was in implementation

of Article 24 of Law No. 76.15

related to reorganizing the

National Council for Human

Rights, which states that the

Council proposes every recommendation

it deems appropriate,

and the speaker directs it to the

heads of the two chambers of

parliament and the specialized

government authorities.

The document, a copy of which

the Council submitted to the

Prime Minister and the Minister of

Interior, revolves around twelve

(12) recommendations and notes

ensuring that this system is in line

with international human rights

standards related to economic

and social rights and social

welfare in general, and with the

requirements for ensuring the

right to development and social

protection in particular. This is in

addition to the need to work on

linking the targeting system, in

letter and spirit, with the proof of

building a national system of

social protection that accommodates

everyone, achieves equality,

rejects discrimination and limits

the possibilities of excluding the

beneficiaries, whether persons or


In this framework, Mr. Habib El

Malki, on Wednesday, July 15,

2020, received at the Parliament

House, the President of the

National Council for Human

Rights, Ms. Amna Bouayach, and

her accompanying delegation.

The meeting reviewed the

outlines of the Council's notes

and recommendations regarding

the draft Law No. 72.18, as well as

ways to strengthen cooperation

relations between the two constitutional

institutions, including

updating the agreement of understanding

between both parties,

and how to strengthen the parliament’s

role in the process of

harmonizing national legislation

with international law.

38 Arab Network Magazine

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