Rektor Linda Nielsen Københavns Universitet Nørregade 10 1017 ...

Rektor Linda Nielsen Københavns Universitet Nørregade 10 1017 ...

Rektor Linda Nielsen Københavns Universitet Nørregade 10 1017 ...


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Bilag 2 til Danmarks Forskningspolitiske Råds høringsbrev om kernefelter i<br />

dansk forskning<br />

– Skabelon til beskrivelse af og begrundelse for udpegning af kernefelter<br />

For så vidt angår besvarelserne under punkt C, bedes de udformet på grundlag af den<br />

nærmere beskrivelse af indikatorerne i bilag 1.<br />

A. Beskrivelse af kernefeltet:<br />

A.1 Institutionens navn: Biologisk Institut<br />

A.2 Kontaktperson: Professor Jacobus J. Boomsma<br />

A.3 Tlf.: 353 21340<br />

A.4 E-mail: jjboomsma@bi.ku.dk<br />

A.5 Kernefeltets navn: Social Evolution<br />

Spirende kernefelt (kryds her): Nuværende kernefelt (kryds her): X<br />

A.6 Fagligt fokus: Insect societies (ants, bees, wasps and termites) have achieved<br />

dramatic examples of division of labour, large-scale food storage, collective defence,<br />

disease control, waste management, husbandry, and agriculture. In doing so, the social<br />

insects have collectively become one of the most dominant animal life forms. They owe<br />

their success to communication systems that allow the efficient flow and use of<br />

information within their colonies and they have evolved effective ways to suppress,<br />

regulate and police internal social conflicts. Natural selection and millions of years of<br />

time have “allowed” the insect societies to “solve” economic problems on a scale<br />

comparable to humans without the help of self-conscious intelligence and cultural<br />

evolution. The ants and termites that have evolved fungus-agriculture are particularly<br />

interesting model systems, as they have also successfully confronted disease problems of<br />

their crops.<br />

The Centre for Social Evolution (CSE), funded by the Danish National Research<br />

Foundation (Grundforskningsfonden)(2005-20<strong>10</strong>), carries out interdisciplinary studies of<br />

six research themes: 1. Mating system adaptations, 2. Information exchange and<br />

recognition mechanisms, 3. Social parasitism, 4. Defences against infectious diseases, 5.<br />

The evolution and maintenance of invasive supercolonies, 6. Fungus farming and other<br />

symbioses between insect societies and microorganisms. CSE researchers combine<br />

expertise from evolutionary biology, population biology, animal behavio ur, and insect<br />

pathology and use state of the art DNA technology, Gas Chromatography and Mass<br />

Spectrometry. CSE is almost completely (92% of the funding) based at the Institute of<br />

Biology, University of Copenhagen.<br />

A.7 Forskerskoler m.v. Ph.D.students are enrolled in the Biology (KU) Ph.D. school<br />

and in the International School of Biodiversity Sciences (ISOBIS: one of the FUR<br />

initiated Ph.D. Schools with its main office at Aarhus University)<br />

A.8 Myndighedsopgaver og –beredskab: Medlemskab i: 1. Statens Bisygdomsnævn,<br />

som er rådgivende for fødevareministeren og Plantedirektoratet i spørgsmål vedrørende<br />

biavl. 2. Moniteringsudvalget for den Brune Læsøbi (Apis mellifera mellifera) under<br />

fødevareministeren. Endvidere svarer CSE’s medlemmer løbende på mange spørgsmål om<br />

insekter fra bl.a. DR, TV2, lokalradiostationer, Skadedyrslaboratoriet under Danmarks<br />

Jordbrugsforskning.<br />

B. Ke rnefeltets omfang:<br />

B.1 Antal videnskabelige medarbejdere i årsværk: 1 professor, 2 lektorer, 1<br />

forskningslektor (EU Marie Curie Excellence Fellow), 1 ACTAP, 0,2 Seniorforsker (via<br />

DNLB), 1 STENO forskningsadjunkt, 4 Postdocs, 4 TAP.<br />

Dok-id. 354956

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