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at Srebrenica. Women in black, Belgrade, 14 July 2004. <strong>Download</strong>ed from: http://www.noracism.net/MUND/archiv/juli4/aussendung220704.htm<br />

Zoglin, Kati 2005. The future of War Crimes Prosecutions in the Former Yugoslavia:<br />

Accountability or Junk Justice? in: Human Rights Quartely, Volume 27, Number 1.<br />

Zupan, Natasa 2005. Facing the Past and Transitional Justice in Countries of Former Yugoslavia,<br />

Working Group Development and Peace, Bonn.<br />

Interviews with:<br />

Agovic, Dzeneta 28,29,30 April 2006 at the Conference Warning Signs Sign of Fundamentalism,<br />

Belgrade<br />

Belenzada, Tamara 28,29,30 April 2006 at the Conference Warning Signs Sign of<br />

Fundamentalism, Belgrade<br />

Brkic, Jovanka 28,29,30 April 2006 at the Conference Warning Signs Sign of Fundamentalism,<br />

Belgrade<br />

Dabic, Nada 28,29,30 April 2006 at the Conference Warning Signs Sign of Fundamentalism,<br />

Belgrade<br />

Kostic, Nevenka 28,29,30 April 2006 at the Conference Warning Signs Sign of Fundamentalism,<br />

Belgrade<br />

Markovic, Jelena 28,29,30 April 2006 at the Conference Warning Signs Sign of Fundamentalism,<br />

Belgrade<br />

Zajovic, Stasa 28,29,30 April 2006 at the Conference Warning Signs Sign of Fundamentalism,<br />

Belgrade<br />

Websites:<br />

www.caa.org.yu<br />

www.berghofcenter.org/publications/other/joint_evaluation_report_can.pdf<br />

www.coalitionofwomen.org<br />

www.hlc.org<br />

www.wib-zeneucrnom-belgrade.org<br />

www.hrw.org/reports98/icc/jitbwb-13.htm<br />

www.oecd.org/dataoecd/20/47/31642508Journal of Peace Research 27/3, 291:305<br />

www.oecd.org/dataoecd/20/47/31642508.pdf<br />

www.Yucom.org.yu/englisch Version/LawyersCommitte.asp<br />

www.womenpeace.org<br />

www.womanwagingpeace.net<br />

www.wworld.org/crisis/crisis.asp?ID=5<br />


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