Practical Ship Hydrodynamics

Practical Ship Hydrodynamics

Practical Ship Hydrodynamics


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with:<br />

Boundary element methods 235<br />

EnAB D Eb<br />

Ec Ð Eb<br />

Ec 2 Ec and EnAC DEc<br />

Eb ÐEc<br />

Eb<br />

Eb<br />

2<br />

With known Ev and corner velocities EvA, EvB, EvC, the pressure force on the<br />

triangle can be determined:<br />

�<br />

�<br />

1 Ef DEn p dA DEn<br />

2<br />

V 2 �<br />

Ð A Ev 2 �<br />

dA<br />

where Ev is not constant! A D 1<br />

2 jEa ð Ebj is the patch area. To evaluate this<br />

equation, the velocity within the patch is approximated by:<br />

Ev D Ev C ⊲EvA Ev⊳⊲2r 2<br />

r⊳ C ⊲EvB Ev⊳⊲2s 2<br />

s⊳ C ⊲EvC Ev⊳⊲2t 2<br />

r is the ‘triangle coordinate’ directed to patch corner A: r D 1atA,and<br />

r D 0 at the line BC. s and t are the corresponding ‘triangle coordinates’<br />

directed to B resp. C. Using this quadratic Ev formula, the integral of Ev 2<br />

over the triangle area is found after some algebraic manipulations as:<br />

�<br />

Ev 2 dA D A Ð<br />

�<br />

Ev 2 C 1<br />

30 ⊲EvA Ev⊳ 2 C 1<br />

30 ⊲EvB Ev⊳ 2 C 1<br />

30 ⊲EvC Ev⊳ 2<br />

1<br />

90 ⊲EvA Ev⊳⊲EvB Ev⊳<br />

1<br />

90 ⊲EvC<br />

�<br />

Ev⊳⊲EvA Ev⊳<br />

1<br />

90 ⊲EvB Ev⊳⊲EvC Ev⊳<br />


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