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will rest overnight.<br />

pioneer n. 1 pathfinder, frontiersman, frontierswoman, trail-blazer,<br />

explorer, colonist, (early) settler; ground-breaker, forerunner,<br />

precursor, predecessor, innovator, leader, trend-setter,<br />

pacemaker, pace-setter: The pioneers who explored and settled<br />

the American west were daring men and women. Marconi was a<br />

pioneer in the development of radio.<br />

--v. 2 create, originate, invent, initiate, take the first<br />

step, introduce, institute, actuate, trigger, set off,<br />

inaugurate, start, begin, launch, establish, found, set up,<br />

develop, lay the groundwork or foundation, set or put in motion,<br />

take the lead, lead or show the way, blaze the trail, be a prime<br />

mover, open up, Colloq kick off, get the ball rolling: Our<br />

company has pioneered systems for automatic typesetting.<br />

pious adj. 1 devout, religious, reverent, reverential, worshipful,<br />

dutiful, God-fearing, godly, faithful, holy, dedicated, devoted,<br />

spiritual, moral, good, virtuous, right-minded, saintly, holy,<br />

angelic, seraphic, Christ-like, godlike: Francis is a pious boy<br />

who attends church regularly. 2 hypocritical, sanctimonious,<br />

pietistic, self-righteous, Pharisaic, mealy-mouthed, pretended,<br />

fraudulent, goody-goody, unctuous, oily, Colloq Brit smarmy:<br />

You are rationalizing your bad behaviour with a lot of pious<br />

cant.<br />

pipe n. 1 pipeline, tube, duct, hose, line, main, conduit, passage,<br />

conveyor, channel: The pipes are inspected regularly for<br />

corrosion. 2 briar, meerschaum, corn-cob, calabash, clay pipe,<br />

water-pipe, hookah, narghile, chibouk or chibouque, peace-pipe<br />

or pipe of peace or calumet, Colloq Irish briar, Brit<br />

hubble-bubble, US bong: He slowly tamped down the tobacco in<br />

his pipe, then lit it. 3 pan-pipe, whistle, boatswain's pipe,<br />

tooter, horn, wind, wind instrument, woodwind, brass: They play<br />

the pipes in the London Symphony.<br />

--v. 4 tootle, tweet, skirl, warble, whistle, peep, cheep: One<br />

was piping away on a flute, the other was dancing a jig. 5<br />

transmit, deliver, channel, conduct, convey, supply: The gas is<br />

piped directly into our homes. 6 US look at, notice, spot,<br />

note, look at, Colloq get a load of: Pipe the guy trying to<br />

climb up the outside of that building. 7 pipe down. become

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