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plagiarism<br />

n. plagiarizing, plagiary, piracy, pirating, theft, purloining,<br />

stealing, copying, appropriating, appropriation, thievery,<br />

usurpation, infringing, infringement, imitation, Euphemistic<br />

borrowing, Colloq lifting, cribbing: The similarities between<br />

the two books could only be explained by plagiarism.<br />

plague n. 1 scourge, epidemic, pestilence, affliction, pandemic,<br />

calamity, curse, evil, bane, blight, visitation: The<br />

inhabitants turned a plague of locusts to advantage by eating<br />

them. 2 irritation, annoyance, nuisance, pest, vexation, bother,<br />

thorn in one's side or flesh, torment, torture, Colloq pain (in<br />

the neck), headache, aggravation, Slang drag, bitch, hassle,<br />

Taboo slang pain in the Brit arse or US ass: It's a plague<br />

trying to find a place to park the car.<br />

--v. 3 badger, harry, hound, pester, annoy, vex, irritate,<br />

bother, harass, nag, nettle, exasperate, gall, annoy, irk,<br />

torment, torture, anguish, distress, Brit chivvy or chivy or<br />

chevy: I wish the police would stop plaguing me with <strong>questions</strong><br />

about Jonathan's whereabouts.<br />

plain adj. 1 flat, smooth, even, featureless, level, plane: I'd<br />

rather have a paper with a plain surface, not an embossed one,<br />

for the bedroom walls. 2 clear, evident, simple, distinct,<br />

crystal clear, lucid, vivid, transparent, apparent, obvious,<br />

patent, self-evident, manifest, distinct, unmistakable or<br />

unmistakeable, unequivocal, unambiguous, understandable,<br />

intelligible, graphic, direct, in black and white: His<br />

intentions regarding my daughter are plain enough. The plain<br />

fact is that she despises him. 3 open, honest, straightforward,<br />

forthright, direct, frank, candid, blunt, outspoken, ingenuous,<br />

sincere, guileless, artless, unreserved: I want to see some<br />

plain talk between the two of us. 4 simple, unadorned,<br />

undecorated, unembellished, basic, austere, stark,<br />

unostentatious, colourless, drab, bare, unvarnished, Spartan:<br />

Don't you find the average business suit a very plain affair? 5<br />

homely, unattractive, ordinary-looking, unlovely, ugly: Who<br />

would believe that such a plain child could become such a<br />

beautiful woman?<br />

--n. 6 prairie, grassland, pasture, meadow-land, veld or veldt,

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