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sleeping-pill.<br />

counterfeit<br />

adj. 1 forged, fake, fraudulent, imitation, bogus, spurious,<br />

Colloq phoney or US also phony: The bank reported the<br />

counterfeit money to the police. 2 make-believe, sham,<br />

pretended, pretend, feigned, insincere, fake, faked, false,<br />

artificial, meretricious, pseudo, factitious, synthetic, unreal,<br />

simulated: You were warned about his counterfeit sincerity.<br />

--n. 3 fake, imitation, forgery, reproduction, Colloq phoney or<br />

US also phony: This is the original deed, that one is a<br />

counterfeit.<br />

--v. 4 forge, copy, reproduce, falsify, imitate; Slang hang<br />

paper: He made a living counterfeiting passports. 5 feign,<br />

pretend, simulate, put on, fake: The suspects have shown signs<br />

of wealth that are difficult to counterfeit.<br />

counterfeiter<br />

n. Slang paper-hanger: The counterfeiter, who forged only<br />

five-pound notes, was arrested today.<br />

country n. 1 nation, state, power; territory, realm: How many<br />

countries belong to the British Commonwealth? 2 (native) land,<br />

homeland, fatherland, motherland, mother country: I would<br />

gladly fight for my country. 3 countryside, rural area or<br />

surroundings, provinces, hinterlands; mountains, woods,<br />

wilderness, outback, Colloq sticks, US boondocks, boonies: We<br />

are spending our holiday in the country.<br />

couple n. 1 pair, duo, twosome; brace, span, yoke, team: They<br />

certainly make a nice couple. 2 a couple of. a few, several, a<br />

handful (of), one or two, three or four: I'll be with you in a<br />

couple of minutes.<br />

--v. 3 join, link, yoke, combine, unite, match up, connect:<br />

The two carriages are easily coupled together.<br />

courage n. bravery, valour, boldness, intrepidity, gallantry,<br />

dauntlessness, daring, fearlessness, heroism, nerve, Colloq<br />

grit, guts, pluck, spunk, US moxie, sand, Slang Brit bottle:<br />

She had the courage to face the two of them alone.

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