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high and low but couldn't find my key.<br />

--n. 3 hunt, pursuit, quest: The search for the killer went on<br />

for years. 4 researching, analysis; exploration, examination,<br />

scrutiny, probe, study, perusal, sifting, inspection, scouring,<br />

inquiry or enquiry: A thorough search of the documents failed<br />

to turn up anything useful. The police made a house-to-house<br />

search of the neighbourhood.<br />

searchingly<br />

adv. penetratingly, piercingly, intently, deeply, fixedly,<br />

concentratedly, eagerly: She looked searchingly into my eyes<br />

for some glimmer of hope.<br />

season n. 1 time, period, occasion, opportunity: This is the season<br />

when the birds migrate north. Is the silly season upon us again<br />

so soon? 2 in season. ripe, ready, edible, seasoned, seasonable,<br />

available: Fresh strawberries will be in season soon.<br />

--v. 3 spice, salt, flavour, pep up, enliven: One of the great<br />

things about chicken is that you can season it in many different<br />

ways. 4 ripen, mature, age, condition, mellow: The wood should<br />

be well seasoned before being made into furniture.<br />

seasonable<br />

adj. appropriate, opportune, suitable, apt, timely, fitting,<br />

providential, well-timed, proper, fit, propitious, welcome,<br />

well-suited, happy, lucky, fortunate, convenient, auspicious,<br />

favourable, advantageous, expedient: The success of the book<br />

was owing largely to its seasonable publication, just at the end<br />

of the cold war.<br />

seasoned adj. experienced, trained, long-standing, long-serving,<br />

practised, well-versed, habituated, acclimatized or acclimated,<br />

accustomed, familiarized, prepared, established, veteran,<br />

tempered, hardened, toughened, inured: It was a pleasure to be<br />

working with so seasoned a performer as Margie.<br />

seasoning n. spice, zest, flavour, relish, sauce: The fact that a former<br />

film star was running for office lent just the right seasoning<br />

to the campaign.<br />

seat n. 1 place, chair, bench, sofa, settee, settle, stool, throne:

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