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stool-pigeon, snitch, squealer, weasel, Brit grass, Chiefly US<br />

rat, US stoolie, canary, shoo-fly: According to the informer,<br />

the secret meeting is scheduled for tonight.<br />

in<strong>frequently</strong><br />

adv. rarely, seldom, sporadically, occasionally, now and then,<br />

irregularly, exceptionally: They were only in<strong>frequently</strong> seen in<br />

public in later years.<br />

infringe v. 1 violate, contravene, break, disobey, transgress, overstep:<br />

Publication of this article has infringed her right to a fair<br />

trial. 2 infringe on or upon. intrude on, impinge on, trespass<br />

on, encroach on, invade: Never let pleasure infringe on the<br />

domain of duty.<br />

infringement<br />

n. violation, breach, contravention, infraction, disobedience,<br />

infraction, non-compliance, breaking, transgression:<br />

Publication without permission constitutes infringement of<br />

copyright. The inventor sued the company for patent<br />

infringement.<br />

infuriate v. enrage, anger, madden, incense, make (someone's) blood boil,<br />

provoke, inflame, work or stir or fire up, rile, arouse, vex,<br />

pique, gall, annoy, irritate, bother, chafe, agitate, irk,<br />

nettle, exasperate, raise (someone's) hackles, make (someone's)<br />

hackles rise, Brit have or get (someone's) blood up, Colloq<br />

miff, bug, peeve, get under (someone's) skin, get or Brit also<br />

put (someone's) back up, make (someone) see red, Chiefly US get<br />

(someone's) Irish or dander up, US burn up, Slang piss (someone)<br />

off, brown (someone) off, Brit cheese (someone) off: It really<br />

infuriated him to see injustice done to anyone.<br />

ingenious adj. clever, skilful, skilled, shrewd, cunning, crafty, canny,<br />

dexterous, adroit, acute, sharp, keen, resourceful, adept, apt,<br />

smart, gifted, bright, brilliant, talented, deft, handy,<br />

inventive, Daedalian, creative, imaginative, original, Colloq<br />

neat, keen, US crackerjack, Slang on the ball: My friend here<br />

has come up with an ingenious solution to our problem.<br />

ingenuity n. ingeniousness, genius, brilliance, cleverness, skill,<br />

shrewdness, cunning, craft, art, knack, flair, dexterity,<br />

dexterousness, adroitness, acuteness, sharpness, keenness,

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